
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Somebody Is Lying

I could spend a lot of time and space describing hijacked mail services, but suffice it to say that beyond the accounts already published I have more than a hundred certified mail receipts with varying results. On some occasions the USPS freely admitted the mail was not delivered. "We regret to inform you . . . " or acknowledgement of non-delivery either in person or the USPS website. The fact that on several occasions USPS supervisors refused to supply their records of delivery was not unexpected, just more Red Meat that pertains to the activities of some of our Public Servants. The certified mail receipts I'm referring to remain in my possession, but the addressees have never confirmed delivery themselves, and in fact usually claim that the correspondence wasn't received.

This leaves us with a choice between say, Marilyn Diaz and Steve Cooley, who have disavowed knowledge of reports and correspondence for the reasons described here, or the Public Servants who allegedly brave rain, sleet and snow to deliver those official communications. Somebody is lying. This has been the only conclusion I've been able to reach in any discussions with either party on this subject. So we'll have to leave it at that for the moment.

Phone services are more interesting, but also more difficult to document or prove. Back in the day, when I thought phone calls would result in speaking to the person that I intended to call, I was often given bogus information or none at all. I could call the same person a hundred times and get their voice mail, for instance. When I didn't have a personal communication device, I would be put on hold, sometimes indefinitely while my supply of change disappeared. After forty minutes or so, without the funds to remain on hold, the effort would be terminated for practical reasons. Once the bogus phone records were displayed on the counterfeit website in April of 2008, I saw no reason to waste money on phone service when the byproduct was nothing more than CLEO contrivances that were obviously variations of false attribution.

(Of course, since then, CLEO Stooges have become a nuisance, making desperate attempts to establish proximity while conspicuously using their personal communication devices. Another aspect of CLEO Logic that makes no sense to me. The people I have seen that try to establish proximity are not the sort of people I would trust for any reason, especially communicating on my behalf. But CLEO storylines are only known to CLEOs and their stooges, so I have reasoned that the destination of those calls is the key to CLEO bullshit. Whatever. It is not something I have any control over anyway, so it will have to remain a mystery for the moment, two more missing W's). 

So this leaves us with those things I say, or have said, in public or outdoors where CLEOs can record them, and e-mails. Now there have been a number of occasions when my spoken words were recorded, and I mentioned an incident early on to illustrate the point, the "Go f*** a porcupine" example, which may or may not end up on someone's voice mail. But most of the time CLEO stooges try to lead me into saying something that serves CLEO purposes. Without going into all the occurrences over the years, by far the most common is asking how much something costs or what did I pay for something.

The intent is rather obvious. If I answer the question, I have provided a recording that can be used by CLEOs in any number of voice-over scenarios. Cops have done this sort of things on many occasions, during stop, search and question occurrences which are fairly constant. "Where are you from? Where are you going? Where were you born? Have you ever been arrested?" and so on, which in many cases may provides a recording that can be used in a manner consistent with CLEO storylines because there is no time/date stamp associated with anything I've ever said. Taken out of context, these recordings can be used in a variety of ways, perhaps even used as supplements or proof of proximity when script-readers goes into a recital which is transcribed later.

They are also useful when CLEOs execute the Abandoned Shopping Bag scam, because all they really want to do is establish identity and location just before they go back into the bushes and retrieve the ASB they put there a few minutes before. But for the most part, connecting me to CLEO Stooges is the primary goal, and this only requires proximity, so it is rare to find anything resembling solitude for even a few moments because CLEO scams are always in progress, and they must be supported not only by the stooges, but establishment of identity and location either by vocalizations, surveillance cameras, or the drive-by's by cops that accompany stooge activity.

The fact that CLEOs have relied on my exposure to these tactics, has always been of paramount importance, so it isn't surprising that I have never been offered private accommodations by anyone who didn't have CLEO-friendly motives for doing so, and in fact have been routinely turned away from cheap private accommodations. Very tactical and methodical, but as I've pointed out on many occasions, until recently law enforcement has never been obliged to involve the judiciary in any of their activities described here. In fact, they have made a great effort to avoid judicial review, (but that may change now that Mt. CLEO has grown to massive proportions).

That leaves e-mail, which is the only remaining means of communication due to lack of funds, but also the most susceptible to corruption and tampering. Here are two examples of what happens when I send an e-mail, and the responses which have always been images instead of text. The fax number is removed because I have every reason to think that the call to FBI was either redirected, or that the fax number was bogus and intended to incriminate your humble writer:

Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:08 PM
Subject: civil rights complaint/FBI fax

On June 28, 2010 I called the FBI office in Los Angeles from the California EDD office in Pasadena and asked for the fax number of that office. The person that answered gave me the number (XXX) XXX-XXX and I sent fax from that office with the following text:

"I would like to submit the following documents to support a formal complaint of public corruption and violation of civil rights, which I understand is part of the purview of your office.
Those that I have alleged of misconduct include Michael Antonovich, Kurt Zimmerman, John Vandevelde, Casey Gwinn, Dan Lungren, and those with knowledge of these occurrences who may be connected with them, or have acted as proxies.

If there are issues that you wish to discuss that may or may not be connected to this report, please advise."

The reference was to a blog which I suspect is being redirected, and I am certain in has been maliciously altered. It describes in some detail my experiences with residents and officials of Sierra Madre, Ca., including John Andrew Whitcraft, Jr., and many officials in the Los Angeles area who happen to know him, or have knowledge of the occurrences described in essays posted since November 2009, the documentation of which is in my possession.

However, I believe that the call to FBI may have been redirected, and I suspect that the fax number may not be accurate. I have had no indication that it was received and I consider the personnel of the State of California and that particular office hostile to my efforts to bring this the attention of federal authorities, and I have also alleged that they have committed offenses that include theft of documents related to the complaint and my efforts to bring these issues to the judiciary. Since I have no way of verifying receipt of the fax, I am bringing this to your attention with this correspondence.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would acknowledge receipt of this request, along with instructions on how best to proceed.

Dated: August 4, 2010

The reply is in the form of an image, not text, so it is necessary to reproduce it here (because if I don't, any code in the image, a common tactic used by hackers, will also corrupt this essay. My original message was converted into an image as well): 

From: Rodriguez, Leon (CRT)
Date:  Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:00PM
subject: Out of Office Auto Reply: cease and desist
mailed by:

I will be on leave until Monday, August 30, 2010. I will be checking e-mail and voice mail daily. Additionally, I can be reached at 202 305 5872 for any matters that require immediate attention.

Here is another example, the e-mail using images instead of text, and once the images were pasted into this blog, the text functions no longer worked properly just like the one above, so I had to remove my original messages which had also been converted to an image:
date: Fri. Aug. 12, 2011 at 1:30 PM
subject Re: Lack of Reply
Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in conversation

We have received your email on Aug 2, and replied to it.
Your hubpages account: was last accessed 42 hours ago. If this was not you, then we recommend saving the content of your Hubs and closing the account. Let us know when you are ready to close your account, and we can do it for you.

What they don't mention is that the e-mail was sent more than a year earlier, on August 2, 2010, and there was never a reply. The part that says "Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation" is a mystery to me. But until I removed the images, the blog didn't function properly, so the e-mails themselves have the potential of controlling the e-mail account and the blog. This has been a constant source of consternation, because while I'm reluctant to open or keep the e-mails, they constitute evidence of what I am describing here, the technical aspects and hazards of official communications with these agencies, and replies to e-mails that are received months or years later from sources that may not be authentic.

Also, when hackers insert code into a document, an e-mail or inadvertently pasted-in to a document that becomes corrupted and saved to storage media or archived in an e-mail account, an Internet connection allows for the code to be deleted by those who put it there. When for instance, I pasted-in the code that corrupted my flash-drive causing it to scan the Internet for hidden files which remain unknown, the code that was used in the document was removed in a very interesting manner. The entire document was removed from the Hubpages account internally. When I accessed the account after the malicious code had been pasted-in to an MS Word document and saved to the flash-drive, the account record displayed "Duplicate" which I didn't understand at the time.

It made a lot of sense once I realized that the content that was pasted-into that essay was the same as that which had corrupted my flash-drive. So while my flash-drive remains corrupted, the pasted-in text from the essay that caused it shows "Duplicate" within the account. Pretty slick these guys, huh? And what was the text that was pasted-in to that document? Go ahead and take a guess . . . That's right, the U.S. Code that pertains to civil rights violations, which was originally Essay 30, but reproduced in Essay 135 from the "Duplicate" that replaced it:

Of course, that also means that the account itself was hacked, illegally accessed to accomplish that feat; something that has never been in doubt, but still a rather flagrant example of the hackers covering their tracks. (After I pasted in the images above here, the same opportunity was afforded the hackers who designed the code, this blog compromised at least temporarily, but the e-mails remain in the account). Amazingly enough, I was actually describing the effects of the illegal access while they were occurring, or trying to while writing an essay on the subject, and the same thing is occurring now as described in the previous essay. Pisses me off, but all I can do is point out the What, When, Where and How.

But the Who and the Why are rather obvious if you consider motive.

And in fact, when I tried to save this essay, the code that had been part of the images couldn't be deleted. I copied the text into another post, but it would appear that the account has been permanently compromised, as my e-mail account was since the code was introduced.  

© humble journalist

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