
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The CLEO Comedy: Part II

Note the hacking of this piece below, which occurred above the tenth paragraph. The passages above were deleted, the sentence obviously indicative of the separation point. I will attempt to reconstruct in a simplified manner, that which was altered and deleted for rather obvious reasons. (I was discussing the subject of illegal access, the Who and the Why, so the deletions are, once again, rather self-explanatory as far as motive). But it raises the question that has prevailed throughout. Why would anyone think it was necessary to attack the account and delete even a single word? Who has a motive to do so? And why is this a continuing problem, something that is clearly illegal, malicious and destructive? When the perpetrators of these attacks remove passages, alter text or engage in falsification to those things attributable to me, they provide the Why which is usually a fairly good indicator of Who. Why for instance, was a "Bobblehead" character necessary in the first place, another CLEO stooge a requisite to perform the ridiculous affectations and proximity posing necessary to conjure up another falsehood? 

These are the indications of the holes in the CLEO dike, the things that require proactive measures including obfuscation, falsification or other contrivances to support their agenda. But what we see below is another example of a criminal act perpetrated against your humble writer. Breaking and entering. Theft. Illegal access to an account, the ingress provided by Public Servants who have never feared consequences, let alone prosecution, for any of the crimes they have committed against me or my mother. The reconstructed sentences are highlighted in yellow.  

I should have mentioned in the previous essay that FBI was supplied with a cover letter that included a link address for the first 29 essays, the response to the lack of interest by those with jurisdiction. But the civil rights violations that pervade the story are significant as well, at least to me. This is one of the many annoyances, for lack of a better word, that I have been obliged to deal with since the law enforcement community realized that it was likely I would figure out the sequence of events described here.

You see, law enforcement has always known that I am not an uneducated, ex-military drug-addict and they also knew there were some serious liability issues associated with the misconduct described here. So when the first Raid, Rummage and Ransack attack occurred on May 4, 2007 it was a harbinger for things to come. In simple terms, they hit the panic button when the benefits of lying far outweighed the consequences of telling the truth.

This caused a predictable series of events that I refer to as CLEO aggression which continue to this day. It has been my opinion all along that it was the California DMV and a few law enforcement officials in San Diego that were the most culpable, but as it became apparent that others were involved as well, my property disappeared, the cops became stalkers in a desperate attempt to either destroy or acquire photos, and I found that anyone who approached me was either affiliated with the military, law enforcement or both, because the agenda from that point forward was completely dependent on theft of property and complaints; a two track effort to contain knowledge of the scam from becoming known to anyone outside the military-law enforcement communities; those who obviously knew that a crime was still in progress. In fact, it was that desperation (and Chris Zimmerman's comment) that led me to believe that "some blonde guy" was indeed running around with a fraudulent ID.

It also led me to believe that the June 4, 1997 court orders had indeed been violated, as if they had been invalidated by the thefts that had occurred since. That others had picked up where Michael E. Bartley had left off when he pled guilty to perjury, ending the CLEO charade, but not the retroactive assignment of his criminal record to your humble writer by way of the DA Number Scam. But since I understand the reasoning behind the CLEO aggression, the stooge activity, the hacking of accounts, the fabrication of "evidence" and the many devices used for false attribution common to CLEOs, I decided to take a practical approach by doing my best to describe these things.

The Perpetual Investigation continues, Mt. CLEO has grown to enormous proportions, CLEO aggression has reached a ridiculous point that requires a cast of thousands, harassment by military slime and CLEO proxies has reached new record levels as well, and the volume of complaints and falsified reports, the basis for all things CLEO, seems to be commensurate with my efforts to accurately describe in detail what was once a simple, two-page theft report.

But there have also been sources of amusement, because the notion of a simple theft report turning into such a big deal has its moments. The clownish behavior of CLEO stooges for example really has to be witnessed to be believed. One has to see people rushing towards you or following you into a restroom to make a cell call, or chasing you down the street in high-heels, or bolting through traffic to establish proximity for a photo-op to actually believe it. Or the way CLEO stooges just happen to appear whenever and wherever I happen to be, even if it is only for a few moments. Do all these people sit around waiting for the cops to call them with instructions? Yeah, as a matter of fact, they do. Because on several occasions I've seen CLEO stooges rushing to get to a point that is a likely destination, often breaking the law, or putting themselves or their kids in danger to do it.

cking cell phone that they can use somewhere besides where I'm sitting? Am I supposed to be an antenna for you assholes?

Another source of annoyance is the fact that I am obliged to throttle my humble attitude. Take, for instance, the morning of this post, August 31, 2011 where you will see that this account was demonstrably hacked as it has been since the first post. Though I can't prove it because the evidence and the hardware is controlled by the Guardians of Literacy and Free Speech, it is likely that another IT Tech has illegally invaded, or provided access to, the small amount of property that I call my own. Now when Ms. Honey first saw me, she couldn't help smirking as if to say, "Don't worry Public Servants, I can roll this guy under the technology bus and he'll never know what hit him." But of course, during my last encounter, she looked visibly upset, barely containing her anger and angst after the post that pointed out that she had not only committed several crimes, but had also left the evidence of it all over the place. (Or she may have been suffering from the worst case of PMS I've ever seen).

But on this occasion I signed out quickly and unexpectedly, causing the display shown in that essay. The Hubpages account does not display that information, so as I watched deletions to text, it could only be described, those descriptions often deleted as well. This proves that unauthorized access occurs after I log-in, something that could only be known to the people present, and also a requisite for CLEO stooges who have perpetrated the variations of the IP Scam for the purpose of falsely attributing printed materials to your humble writer. The illegal access to the account and the subsequent alterations and deletions, must be perpetrated by those with knowledge of my log-in and control of the systems and servers. 

That narrows the field of suspects to those who also happen to have a motive. In this instance, the access is clearly the result of the IT Tech simply sitting in her office watching my log-ins and log-outs, but she didn't expect me to sign out so quickly and was unprepared to do likewise at that moment, so the display proves, once and for all that the alterations and deletions occur from within the facility because the "LogMeIn" program was disabled prior to log-in to the account. That makes her a criminal, possibly a "Bobblehead" candidate as well who might fabricate a story about how she was "helping" me to write these essays. She doesn't have much of a choice at this point, because there is no longer any doubt that the account was attacked, that passages were removed and that there could only be one reason for those deletions, none of them consistent with my interests, all of them consistent with CLEO interests and contrivances witnessed, documented and described over a period of years.

CLEOs from the account as I've always suspected, and that the text deletions that have plagued my accounts were only possible because of illegal access provided by the Public Servants that control them. (The IP Scam, the false attribution of printouts from the same IP was easy to figure knowing what I do about CLEO false attribution tactics, but doing it from inside the account was only known to me because I watched the alterations and deletions as I wrestled for control with the IT Techs who always won because the could lock me out for long enough to do it, or blocking the Internet connection while they did).

So another IT Tech was walked into a trap set by your humble writer, but the most annoying aspect is that I am obliged to be civil with these people, Public Servants, nose-picking half-wits, and even IT Techs who prove to be criminals, otherwise someone will make a complaint about my attitude and the cops will show up. And it is much the same with CLEO stooges, military slime and cowardly, worm-like, wanna-be cops who are nothing more than stalkers looking for an opportunity to provoke, incite or harass your humble writer.

The other annoyance I will end this essay with, due to time restrictions, are the cops who are always investigating something, allegedly, but have never come right out and asked me anything resembling a simple question. I've never tried to conceal either my identity, my location, or anything else. So what's with all the super-covert, law enforcement professional surveillance crap anyway? Every time I make a report the cops are hiding under their desks, but the rest of the time they're out there acting like the guys in all the bad cop dramas that went off the air a long time ago. In the twenty years that are described in these essays, I've never had an opportunity to litigate or participate in the adjudication of anything described in a police report, any charges that resulted from a complaint, and means of defending myself against slander. So what's up with that?

You want something to investigate? Try explaining why every document I can find, all the court records, and even Lasher's comical attempt at creative dialog describe Michael E. Bartley as having blue eyes. I do not. My eyes are dark brown, very dark brown, and always have been. So before I waste any more time pointing out the ridiculous discrepancies in the CLEO Alternate Universe where falsified reports and bogus database entries prevail, how about someone tackling that single issue, and in the meantime I'll be engaged in analyzing and describing the subjects that are more interesting and significant that the stupidity found in police reports.  

Are you getting all this Judge Miller? I hope so.

© humble journalist 

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