
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Friday, September 16, 2011

Journalism 301: Find the Facts

It may be time for a few corrections because over the years CLEO stupidity has manifest itself in many ways, in some cases altering my views and opinions. Assigning the designation of Alternate Universe for instance, is not as accurate as it could be. What I have observed is more akin to "Cop World" where whatever CLEOs can manage to put into a police report is supposed to be representative of something within the realm that more than 90% of the population considers to be reality. While it remains an Alternate Universe of sorts, it is purely a construct of those with similar motives and affiliations, but it doesn't constitute a Universe, only a rather sophomoric manifestation of what cops would like their reality to be.

It also probably isn't fair to imply that all security guards or county personnel are nose-pickers or Hags. There was a time when I didn't think so, but unfortunately only those with hostile intentions have approached me or performed their duties since May of 2007 due to the agenda described here. There are also probably a lot of good people that decided that the military was their best, if not only, option for employment in a failing economy. The "slime" that I have referred to here have primarily been those amongst the Whitcraft generation, many of them no longer with us. However, I have been dismayed by the fact that many of their progeny have been the primary perpetrators of many of the criminal offenses that went unprosecuted, obviously directed by their immediate relations. I haven't named a lot of them, but when Ms. Smith was mentioned, it was intended to be a prelude to demonstrating a common denominator that runs throughout this sordid account.

The fact that such a narrow range of the population was responsible for the various forms of falsifications and fabrications is not a coincidence, nor is the fact that the entire scam was intended to erroneously establish that your humble writer as a member of their ranks (although I continue to find it amusing that they see this as means of degradation, the same way that cops did when they entered bogus information into their databases). What, after all, was wrong with a reasonably well-educated guy without a significant criminal record, gainfully employed, or the fact that he was never a member of the military (which is what I was until Michael E. Bartley was issued a fraudulent ID on September 20, 1996?) Who had a problem with that? That is the question that includes the elusive Who and Why that has been concealed, along with various Whats that include the official records shared by law enforcement and government officials; records that have been used against me but never actually documented which precludes contesting any of it. This is another pattern that has run consistently throughout; concealing the pertinent facts, identities of complainants, and the records as a strategy to protect the perpetrators from culpability or liability. (Typical of the cowardly nature of those that use slander as a tactical device and straight out of the Whitcraft Field Manual).

It has always been obvious that theft and destruction of evidence was conditional to any portrayal of your humble writer as any of the above and the entire storyline that included an alleged "residential burglary" wasn't going to work for more than another decade; until after all the evidence of my identity had been stolen, destroyed or misappropriated. It is also obvious that all of those involved with bogus complaints, thefts, phony database entries, phantom "arrests" and the other elements, mostly propelled by police reports sans court records that correlate to them, were connected. Easily connected, in fact, not some random configuration of objective observers who just happened to be around when a specific complaint, report, theft or allegation was made. No one amongst the 90% of the population that didn't have knowledge of the various scams it took to perpetrate any of the frauds or misrepresentations, has ever been part of the official records or CLEO storylines. In other words, the only people that have contributed to falsehoods, misrepresentations, bogus complaints or allegations of criminality have been confined to those with common motives and affiliations, or CLEO stooges that started showing up, not coincidentally, just after the initial theft report in May 1997.

But the questions that are obvious and continue to remain unanswered, actually clarify the agenda in retrospect. What happened to Michael E. Bartley? Did he not have a lengthy criminal record prior to 1997? Was he not in the Navy? Did he not exist? What is the storyline anyway and why was it concealed until after the thefts that preceded all of this? No one has ever mentioned anything to me about military service, and the notion of it is ludicrous. I would have left the country without hesitation if I had ever been subject to the draft, which I wasn't, and there is no doubt whatsoever that any and all scholastic achievement could be duplicated with ease. This is stupid and ill-conceived, as phony as Lasher's narrative. Is the entire population supposed to be too stupid to think that cops would copy and paste a photo once the original was targeted and destroyed? Couldn't happen because cops would never do such a thing? Bullshit.

And why has the response to my efforts to investigate these things on my own, despite stonewalling and mindless attacks on my person and property, been some sort of investigation or police response? Because the primary perps were all cops and prosecutors? I guess that makes sense, but all I have done is piece together what appears to be someone's idea of a brilliant plan that was completely reliant on access to official databases, thefts and misrepresentations. All of the participants appear to have the same motives and affiliations and all of them gained financially or in some other tangible manner in exchange for lying, stealing, fabricating or misrepresenting something that was necessary to lend support to phony police reports and database entries that preceded all of this.

So I'm supposed to be Dr. Evil because I started asking some questions, looking for information, seeking judicial review, when it was obvious that theft, destruction and corruption of evidence was clearly orchestrated for transparent reasons? I'm supposed to conform to Michael E. Bartley's profile because a couple of ex-military cops cooked up a comical police report with a cheap computer? I'm supposed to be stupid and uneducated because Michael E. Bartley was in the military? I'm supposed to be engaged in illegal activity for the benefit and convenience of PMAPS and CLEOs? The Perpetual Investigation and harassment by military slime is permanent because the people that planned this are a bunch of screw-ups?

I'm the only guy who isn't breaking the law, the only guy who has a legitimate reason to conduct an investigation, and it is the people that I am investigating for journalistic purposes that are the ones involved in covering their tracks, concealing their identities or their statements, reports or database entries. 

© humble journalist

CLEO Comedy (Part III)

When I post the essay "Preachers and Punks" it was, as described, an metaphorical reference to the politicos and military slime that I consider to be primary perpetrators of the various scams described here. None of them would have been possible without PMAPS, who are in generally politicians as Mr. Cooley recently demonstrated, and military slime that had found their way into law enforcement positions. Along the way, of course, we've also seen the participation of County Hags and others who all happen to work for the counties with the most culpability and liability, otherwise known as motive.

But it was also a test of CLEO Comics, who as I have pointed out, have consistently mimicked these essays with the direction of typical CLEOs stooges, dirtbags and posers who necessarily accompany these contrived storylines. Of course, it wasn't long before I saw "preachers" showing up for proximity poses, some carrying Bibles or other literature, and America's Future in the form of Mini-dirtbags doing the same, many clad in the ridiculous costumes that were noted long ago.

Since this experimental exercise in testing CLEO stupidity, there are but two possibilities that I can think of. One, that CLEOs believe that the annoyance of these people, the obvious mimicry in particular, is intended to thwart my descriptive accounts. The other possibility is that CLEOs are actually serious about a storyline that includes a "secret code" component. Now somehow envisioning CLEOs standing before the judiciary trying to sell this load of CLEO bullshit is amusing beyond words, but I will try anyway. How would it go?

"Look, Your Honor, when he writes something like 'Preachers and Punks' all the stooges understand this 'secret code' and in this way, in his typically devious manner, orchestrates a nefarious scheme to conduct his illegal activity right in front of super-covert law enforcement surveillance apparatus. Not only that, he's corrupted America's religious institutions and our children, (that we sometimes chuck into bathrooms and leave the area when he takes a piss). Yes, Your Honor, if it weren't for our super-refined law enforcement skills and training, we never would have discovered this plot to destroy the fabric of America, and indeed engage in patently illegal activities which we are bound by oath to stop in our capacity as law enforcement officials."

Uh, yeah, OK.

In any case, it will have to remain an open question for the time being, but while the CLEO Comedy continues we have been served some more hors d'oeuvres from the CLEO menu which can be accurately described and documented. On this day, September 16, 2011, CLEO stooges were out early, literally stationed all along route to write this essay. We saw the usual suspects, cell phones at the ready, and as near as I can tell many bogus complaints may have been made before my usual two cups of coffee kicked in. The cops, and the other perpetrators described here, are clearly restless. It also appears that the IP Scam is indeed prevailing as a component of the CLEO Comedy. I was redirected once again, trying to access this account, and I would expect that the devices and tactics used by County Criminals and their ilk continue.

We have also been presented with another example of false attribution, typical of CLEO tactics, and necessarily reliant on County Hags and the processes of those with the most culpability and liability; those with common motives and affiliations; those that provide themselves with opportunities by way of their status and positions of authority. Proving that CLEO scams are always in progress, I was presented with a stack of forms to sign at County Hag Central on September 13, 2011. I proceeded to sign those forms as instructed, but it wasn't until after those forms were removed from my possession that it occurred to me that I had once again become a victim of CLEO Conniving. (I should know better by now, huh?) The County Hag who identified herself as Ms. Garcia, asked another patron if he had been in the military, a question that wasn't directed to me.

At that point, I realized that the same question was on a form that had been presented to me on another occasion, and that Ms. Garcia had filled in the form in my stead after I had signed it along with a bunch of others. So I asked her, "Why didn't you ask me that?" and she quickly responded, "OK, were you ever in the military?" and of course I answered truthfully, "No, I was not." But alas, the form had already been completed by Ms. Garcia, and she made no effort to either enter that information, or to correct what had already been entered on the form. (This is journalistic red meat). So what did Ms. Garcia enter when she took the liberty of filling in the form without my participation, then refusing to allow me to review it after she had done so?

Do you think it is possible that once again the CLEO community has falsified an official document, used their authority to take possession of a form with my signature on it to provide themselves with the "evidence" of falsehoods that serve their purposes, consistent with their agenda? Did the County of Los Angeles once again come up with a Switcheroo Scam to accomplish that, a sleight-of-hand that relied on the confusion over the forms that were handed to me? Your humble writer, being rather adept at identifying CLEO Scams, and also knowledgeable of proper, lawful procedures, will make the effort to ascertain this information, and as always, report the findings here.

Of course, this almost always means that the offenders will steadfastly refuse to provide any information on the subject, then launch into an attack that usually includes some reference to my "attitude" or my conduct at the point where this information is requested. Often, as we have noted in the past, and Ms. Garcia demonstrated once again, that inquiring about these things is usually accompanied by a threat of a police response. (On this occasion, County Hag Garcia told me that to inquire further was making her "job more difficult" and to continue this line of questioning would result in your humble writer being "escorted from the building" by County law enforcement officials). No shit? Where have we heard that line before?

For that reason, I think it is reasonable to assume that, yes, another CLEO Scam by the usual suspects was perpetrated by those with similar motives and affiliations. But in the interest of journalistic integrity, this commentary is accompanied by the caveat that the content of the form remains a matter of speculation, but the Who, When, Where and How have been answered. This leaves What was entered, and of course the Why once it is determined the information Ms. Garcia entered without my participation, without my knowledge, and without an opportunity, lawful and proper by any standard, to review that document.

© humble journalist

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stuck On Stupid: CLEO Policy

Let us return to the Path of Enlightenment because stuck on stupid is not a destination; it is a state of mind where anything that law enforcement can put into a police report, or convince anyone outside of their purview, is in fact truthful of accurate, becomes reality. It is reliant on the alleged "credibility" of these people, ill-founded and misdirected based on my experience. That is the topic of discussion of these essays. Nothing more.

To make one of the primary points, I have noted that the entire fiasco began with a falsified police report sans court records, reference numbers or any other substance that would allow for judicial review. When I learned that Michael E. Bartley had been arrested with a fraudulent ID, I purchased the police report and brought it along to the identity hearing along with all of the other documentation I could gather which included the records of his previous criminal activity in San Diego. Even prior to that, the response by law enforcement was hostile and misguided, Margaret Remsburg accused me of making a threat which in the context of the phone call, made no sense whatsoever. But this was a demonstration of the pattern that I am describing here. The use of tactical slander as a defense mechanism, authority used as means of eliminating adversaries or critics as well as the evidence of misconduct. An elaborate, but methodical, means of obstructing justice and obviating the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution (as well as violation of many of the provisions of the U.S. Code).

The allegation here is that the California DMV fraudulently issued two forms of ID to a guy with a lengthy criminal record. In fact, reputable news organizations, based on the review of internal DMV records, prove that a million or so such IDs were issued by the California DMV during Dan Lungren's tenure as AG. But instead of acknowledging this simple point of fact, the response was to make a bogus allegation against your humble writer. In other words, forget about a million fraudulent IDs or how they ruined the lives of those who were victimized by DMV clerks; people that found out as I did that there was no recourse because state employees enjoyed immunity and were never subject to prosecution. The issue somehow became one guy allegedly making an unsubstantiated "threat" against a DMV employee. And so the pattern of conduct was established.

Since then, I have reviewed all of the available documentation and court records and concluded that there is little doubt that a rather elaborate scam was in progress, those involved clearly collaborative with similar motives, the object being to assign Michael E. Bartley's criminal record to me which is supported by the fact that the thumbprint that identified him as the perpetrator does not belong to me, the physical description is not even close to my own, the fact that an AKA cannot refer to a victim and perpetrator, and the assignment of Bartley's DA number to me at a time when I had no DA number for good reason.

Now we travel back to the present with Professor Peabody and find that law enforcement tactics have not changed. In May of 2007 just prior to making a formal report of the theft of personal belongings, I was essentially robbed of key evidence that was intended for court review by law enforcement officials using color of authority, (based on a specious complaint by two military slimeballs who showed up a few minutes after I ordered some lunch). The California DL that was current and valid between 2000-04 was targeted and stolen. Two days later, Sierra Madre Police and County of Los Angeles officials again used their authority to access, then steal personal belongings and documentation, and copied files which showed up later in a corrupted form, again on specious grounds.

Along the way I made every attempt to have these issues resolved in the proper venue, the courts, and offered those named or described here an opportunity to make their rebuttals. I have even offered to submit to polygraph test if any of those named or described would care to join me to dispute any point of fact described in these essay. Instead, law enforcement has validated one of my primary points on the Path of Enlightenment; that all of these common procedures that were designed to clarify or reconcile disputes over points of fact have been conspicuously avoided for transparent reasons. Instead, I find children unattended in restrooms, military slime and stalkers chasing me to make bogus complaints, cops falsifying reports with obvious motives for doing so, and all the other forms of false attribution described earlier as a response.

In other words, nothing has changed. The modus operandi by those with shared motives and affiliations has been a constant series of attacks on my person, property, reputation and even my background and criminal history as an expedient means of deflecting attention from that which is reported here. I have criticized law enforcement officials. But this discussion, with exceptions for the notable day-to-day examples of CLEO tactics, actually a series of attacks or harassment by CLEO stooges, proxies and military slime, is really about the First and Fourth Amendments. At more than a dozen junctures, law enforcement has essentially stolen all the property I accrued in my lifetime, either directly or by proxy, so the Fourth Amendment is a moot point.

But the First Amendment is not. What the law enforcement community has executed is a methodical means of obviating it. In other words, the First Amendment, validated and codified on countless occasions by the Supreme Court, says that freedom of speech is broad and inclusive. But you better not criticize Steve Cooley or report simple matters of fact that pertain to PMAPS misconduct or you will be targeted and accused. You can desecrate the flag, but you better not say anything about falsified police reports being ridiculously contrived for transparent reasons or mention the common affiliations and motives of those involved. You can march down the street in a Nazi uniform in a Jewish neighborhood, but you better not call attention to the fact that Paul "Pffft" and his bogus DA Number Scam were clearly malicious and intentional. You can criticize anyone or anything you want, except for prosecutors and cops, because they have the authority to kidnap, steal, fabricate, falsify, plant and use tactical slander as necessary to f*** you over, lock you up, steal your belongings, and since PMAPS get to decide how The Law is applied, what the definition of Equal Protection means in practical terms, there is no one besides the judiciary that can protect you , not even the Constitution or the Amendments that were specifically designed to prevent abuses by law enforcement officials for exactly the reasons I've described here.

So the Accusing Fingers have only increased since Margaret Remsburg tried to deflect attention from the felonious activities of DMV employees, never addressing the simple facts derived from my experience and the documentation that supports my analysis and commentary. As long as law enforcement has an unlimited supply of whores, CLEO stooges, liars for hire, blank police reports, and their investigative authority, they can fabricate any sort of storyline they want because they control the stooges and the environment. "Book-em Dan-O" Lasher's phony police report and the comical narrative is the primary example of how it is done (and how it has resulted in the formation of Mt. CLEO since).

There are certain limitations of course, as noted in "Crimes of Convenience" earlier. They can't say I stole a car because they can't plant it on me. They can't say I robbed a bank or a convenience store because the video would disprove it. But they can make any allegation they want as long as it can't be disproven, like what occurred in a restroom when a crooked cop picked up something he'd dropped on the floor moments before, and they can have a CLEO stooge rob a bank or a convenience store and falsely attribute it to me by way of a bogus "association" (which can be the only reason why more than 17,500 CLEO stooges have chased me around in costumes making cell calls). The Accusing Fingers, more than 23 million ex-military slime (read cowardly thieves, frauds and perjurers as well as anyone they can pay off to do their bidding), supported by CLEOs with an unlimited supply of blank police reports, become formidable adversaries.

But all of this bullshit is no different than the tactical response by Margaret Remsburg in 1997; a means of deflecting culpability and liability in a contrived and specious manner. And none of it changes a single fact that is accurately reported here, nor has there been any legitimate challenge by the Accusing Fingers since I walked out of the identity hearing a few days after Remsburg's bogus allegation. Nor has any byproduct of law enforcement officials since resembled a truthful or accurate representation of anything that pertains to me.

© humble journalist

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Prepare Secret Code Rings: Mission Possible

Well, ladies and geraniums, the time has come to divulge the "Secret Plan" that will explain all of the suspicious behavior we've been witnessing. Everyone get out your Secret Code Ring, put on your Mr. Blackwell outfit, pose in front of surveillance camera and be sure to look suspicious as possible while you're calling the Secret Phone Number. Here's how it's going to work.

I've been involved with Secret Negotiations with the Defense Minister of Uzbekistan and the Chinese Government as well as several street gangs in Los Angeles. Right now we have a team of Mr. Blackwells preparing to jack the Lunar Landing Module at the Smithsonian Institute. The Chinese have assured me that they will provide a rocket capable of launching the module as far as the orbit of the moon. Unfortunately, they are sick of looking at dollars, in fact they're ready to start burning them to conserve fuel oil, so all the proceeds from the suspicious-looking activities have to be converted to gold bars and shipped to a Secret Destination known only to myself and General Chang who is in charge of shipments to North Korea and me.

The Uzbeki Defense Minister has agreed to provide several of those Russian nuclear suitcase bombs we all heard about after the collapse of the Soviet Union. (Turns out he actually went to school with "Book-em Dan-O" Lasher so he's not that smart and has agreed to accept American currency.) Once the ordnance and the rocket are acquired, the LEM will be mounted on the Chinese rocket at another Secret Destination that can only be deciphered by using a map tattooed onto Dan Mack's ass. (That's why he yanked his pants down two years ago. He had to show me where there was some free space for the tattoo.)

Once the LEM and the rocket are prepared to launch, the suitcase bombs will accompany a specially-trained chimpanzee that outscored "Fairlane" Ford on an IQ test. (Unfortunately for the chimp this will be necessarily be a one-way mission.) At that point, the chimp will set the nuclear devices to destroy the moon, or at least change its course and it's gravitational pull. This will cause a sequence of events that will ultimately result in the tidal action of the earth being dramatically changed such that most of West Los Angeles will disappear under water. According to my calculations, the new beachfront will extend between South Central and the Barrios in East L.A.

This is the payoff you've all been working toward, however you might be asking yourself, "But where are the profits for me, humble journalist?" Well, the Secret Plan also takes into account that you can now buy real estate at the projected beachfront for dirt-cheap, and with luck most of the luxury furniture and vehicles swept in from Bel Air and Beverly Hills will be sitting in your front yard when you move in.

There you have it. Tens of thousands of suspicious-looking poses and proximity calls were not for naught. But don't thank me. I actually got the idea from Ronald Reagan and Austin Powers. (Actually Dr. Evil, but it's the same guy, right? Either way, he's got better writers than the cops.)

And if law enforcement wants to make a joke out of their profession, I'm just the guy to help them do it.

© humble journalist

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is It Something I Said? (Part III)

As I've watched the stooge activity noting the costumes that are obviously integral to the efforts of CLEOs, I often wonder whether my amusement is shared by those with an IQ greater than those that direct the dirtbags, posers, and others who obviously don't have a lot to do besides function as CLEO stooges. It also became obvious a long time ago that there were more dirtbags available to function as CLEO stooges than there were ways to avoid them. The conundrum lies in the fact that these people can approach me any time that serves CLEO purposes and like anyone else, I am obliged to eat, sleep and use a restroom occasionally without the benefit of access to private property. This means that all of the places that are compelling as far as survival become points of attack for CLEO stooges.

Just before I sat down to write this essay, a CLEO Clown in the usual Mr. Blackwell get-up, seemed to be following me after I changed directions and my choice of destinations. An hour later, the same guy showed up several miles away performing the same act despite the fact he was last seen going in the opposite direction thinking that my expected destination would be elsewhere. How did he know I changed course and wound up several miles away? You'll have to ask the cops because they crossed my path several times before the street cams picked me up, and by the time I arrived at the unexpected destination (somewhere other than a library or a crummy fast food establishment where I am obliged to frequent due to financial restrictions), several more CLEO stooges in Mr. Blackwell outfits were already in place, one actually blocking the door so as to affect a proximity pose without my willing participation.

Now the "secret code" aspect of  this has always fascinated me for the simple reason it's so utterly stupid. Only someone stuck on stupid would come up with such a scenario that is necessarily played out in public in front of surveillance cameras, cops who record this stuff, street cams and regularly found in places where I am obliged to visit to survive. These affectations as mentioned previously, have occurred thousands of times, obviously staged, and comical in the sense that the bad actors involved sometimes have to risk their lives to accomplish the proximity poses and to make cell calls in my vicinity. What is the destination of those calls anyway? I've never uttered a word to any of these people except to occasionally tell them to get lost, never handed them a "secret note" or anything else that would be required to convey anything. Yet the affectations continue because any asshole, like the one who just sat down next to me in a Mr. Blackwell get-up, can affect the ridiculous motions that are obviously for the benefit of CLEO directors.

I know this account, and in fact any Internet-based account I've ever used, became controlled by CLEO-friendlies as soon as I logged-in because the servers are controlled by the same parties that have a compelling interest in doing so without fear of prosecution, the same as any other CLEO stooge or proxy. So CLEOs, in their efforts to connect the dots that make it appear that some sort of illegal activity is always going on around me, also control the dots. They direct the dots. They tell the dots what to say. They tell the dots what to wear. They tell the dots where to go and when. They pay the dots. So the 17,520 instances I referred to earlier are predictable in the sense that all CLEOs need is the motive to orchestrate and choreograph these things which they most certainly do, so the Who and Why have always remained a closely-guarded CLEO secret. (The asshole I referred to above properly established proximity in his Mr. Blackwell outfit and has proceeded to affect his performance in front of police surveillance parked in front, so you can make that 17,521 staged portrayals which is a ridiculously conservative number.)

In the absence of contraband or money, I can only assume that the portrayals, along with whatever alleged "credibility" CLEOs enjoy by way of their status, is enough to make all of this crap worthwhile. To them, that is, but unfortunately every time I think the worst of these antics is behind me, another stooge-stampede overshadows the previous world record. (The current record for dirtbag-stalkers converging on an empty restroom until I entered it remains at fourteen). So I am continually asking myself, how does any of this translate into enforcing the law? It doesn't unless you understand that CLEOs have a compelling interest in finding a means of using their authority, their only asset because judicial review has been conspicuously avoided, as a device to cover up professional misconduct described here.

To emphasize the point, we'll add a poll to this essay which will also serve as a Pop Quiz for those who have actually read all of the essays. Who has the most to gain, the most to cover up, or put another way, the most to lose by not finding a way to use prosecutorial authority to cover up the misdeeds described here? The Feds? The State of California? The County of Los Angeles? The County of San Diego? Or the "Field" which includes every other jurisdiction that I may have passed through since reporting theft of my belongings to the Sierra Madre Police Department in May of 2007? Keep in mind that Igor and Whitcraft are both "Feds" as are Kurt Zimmerman and John Vandevelde. All of the military slime are "Feds" as well along with characters like Bill Bogaard, Mayor of Pasadena, and most of the law enforcement personnel who we learned were also ex-military.

Remember also that the County of San Diego has been instrumental, not only in bogus databases entries which I found out later were pretty much routine as far as PMAPS were concerned, but the DA Number Scam which is purely a construct of the CLEO Alternate Universe. (In other words, it makes no f***ing sense and was obviously malicious and deliberative). The County of Los Angeles has also demonstrated a propensity for extra-Constitutional activities, among them most of the examples of illegal access, confiscation, falsifications and collaboration with the primary perpetrators. I also have a suspicion that Steve Cooley is probably less than thrilled with my analysis and commentary.

So here we go! Who will "Pin the Tale" on your humble writer? Of course, we have no way of knowing what the "Tale" might be, but I don't think the PMAPS really give a shit at this point, especially when they know they have tens of thousands of stooges, and almost 30 million Military Thugs and Hags out there to support them in their ongoing attacks on the U.S. Constitution, the First and Fourth Amendments, Equal Protection clause, and the alleged Rule of Law as it pertains to non-CLEOs who are less than enamored with the track record of America's Heroes and their antics (read criminal conduct) here in the Homeland. Eskimo Pie to anyone who can prove they cast the winning vote!

© humble journalist

Civics Lesson: CLEO Bullshit v. The Law

And by the way, I don't have to enter bogus information into law enforcement databases to kidnap people and extort money from them either.

The same principle of CLEO stoogedom applies to all CLEO stooges regardless of the cost or the gratuity involved. The stooge activity that preceded the September 12, 2011 essay was almost unprecedented, hundreds of dirtbags in costumes rushing to affect proximity poses, some pursuing your humble writer down the street, emphasizing the tactical nature of these portrayals. If I had to estimate of the number of staged photo-ops required to propel a CLEO storyline that would include illegal activity on September 12, it would be somewhere between 100-150, most of which were accompanied by cell calls and doesn't take into account the hijacking of these Internet-based essays by he Guardians of Literacy and Free Speech.

This allows for another calculation that will help to define CLEO strategems. It has been almost exactly four years since the first paragraphs on CLEO antics, fabrications, falsifications, thefts, et al, were written. If we take a conservative number like a dozen staged portrayals with super-covert surveillance photo-ops to support them, that means that law enforcement has collected 17,520 phony portrayals that serve their purposes of implying illegal activity. (My estimation, being the primary witness of these things, would be closer to 50,000). Despite all of this activity that includes conpicuous boomerang retrievals, staged arrests, Abandoned Shopping Bags, at no point has any law enforcement official searched my belongings or made an arrest based on the activity of CLEO stooges. But the recitals, photo-ops, affectations, stage props, costumes and proximity poses have been constants. The reason is simple. At no time was I ever in possession of contraband or money that would naturally be expected to accompany any of this CLEO bullshit.

Instead, CLEOs have used stooges as their primary vehicles to imply illegal activity. As I've watched these antics, the appearance of CLEO stooges over great distances and their arrival at a specific location unknown to anyone besides myself, the intent has always been obvious as well as the direction required to make it happen. No one besides law enforcement (or military slime stalkers that perform that task for them when necessary) could possibly anticipate or have knowledge of my location at a particular time. But question is not so much how these things are staged or why. My question has always been who are they and what do they get from law enforcement in exchange for these performances? So along the way I've noted that there have been two generalities that appear to be valid categorical references.

First, we have seen the lower forms of dirtbags that will affect portrayals, harass, provoke, commit thefts or assaults for petty cash which appears to be paid out by military slime that directs these things for the benefit of law enforcement (who are obviously anticipating the result since they are always nearby when they occur). The second category are those who already have pending issues with law enforcement, some released from jail for the purpose of becoming CLEO stooges. When, for instance, Carl Killian became the only person that could establish my location on July 14, 1994, he had a pending DUI case, though I'm fairly certain the record of it has been expunged for obvious reasons. When Scott Butler introduced Michael E. Bartley to this fiasco, he also had a pending DUI, (his second or third if memory serves), as well as serious issues with the IRS that resulted in his real estate license being temporarily revoked.

The King of the Stooges serves as another example. He performs a task for the Big Shots in Monrovia that he described as "taking the trash out to the curb" which is a metaphorical way of describing how many city leaders deal with most of what they consider riff-raff or undesirables in modern urban environments. There are many ways to accomplish this of course, and one of them is to implicate, make false statements for the benefit of CLEO reports, affect portrayals, steal property, plant "evidence" or any number of CLEO tactics described earlier in these essays. City leaders, particularly those who have a compelling interest in covering up their participation in the criminal activities described here, then share the same motives as those with common affiliations like military slime, PMAPS, County Hags or law enforcement personnel.

(Unfortunately, at this point we saw another "Conflicting Edits" prompt when I tried to save the text above meaning that hijacking the account while I'm logged-in, indicative of the IP Scam, also remains a constant as an element of any CLEO storyline. This is always accompanied by stooge activity in the vicinity, dirtbags with plastic bags or other stage props entering and exiting, so false attribution of communications continues to be a requisite for CLEOs to portray illegal activity, as well as the aforementioned stooges.) 

In this way, those with shared motives and affiliations assist each other, either provide immunity from illegal activities like ID fraud by DMV personnel, frauds that involve theft or misappropriation of property by way of falsifications to official databases, records and documents, etc., or use law enforcement as a matter of expediency to contain or cover up misconduct. Those with shared motives and affiliations can shield themselves from culpability or liability by using the authority and status inherent to those positions. PMAPS then, not only provide a weapon and a shield for themselves, but also for their benefactors who share those same motives and affiliations, especially political, as I have duly noted here.

CLEO stooges then, are the only requisite for the portrayals, recitals, statements, photo-ops, proximity poser text messages, and other affectations that are clearly intended to suggest illegal activity, and these people are relatively cheap for a number of reasons. First, when gratuities are exchanged with CLEO stooges, there is no cost to their benefactors; they are paid either in public funds or favors that are inherent to the authority bestowed upon them by the taxpayers. Second, when stooges provide bogus complaints, false statements, or affect phony portrayals, they don't have to concern themselves with the fact that these activities along with their collusion with law enforcement, are illegal because PMAPS have a self-serving interest in making sure that they are never prosecuted.

(They also had a self-serving interest in making sure that none of the alleged "arrests" described in Lasher's narrative were ever prosecuted either. To do so would have exposed the scam forthwith because your humble writer was never arrested on any of those occasions. Prior to Bartley's demise in December 1999, while those IDs were still in my possession, that could have easily been demonstrated to the court as easily as it was at the identity hearing when the PMAPS offered no rebuttal to the conclusion reached by the court, nor did they dispute any of the evidence rendered to the court. Any confusion on the subject, is therefore strictly on the part of PMAPS like Paul "Pffft" who have not offered any sort of explanation for the DA Number Scam.)

So the thousands of CLEO stooges that have propelled the various CLEO storylines, many of which I can only guess at because I have never been questioned about any specific investigation or the basis of it, are easy to find and don't show up on any ledger, which explains the vast numbers that CLEOs have used to affect the portrayals and provide the impetus for the Perpetual Investigation, (the latest "investigation" the result of the complaint against LASD Deputy Goon and the Raid, Rummage and Ransack tactics routinely used by various law enforcement officials to circumvent the Fourth Amendment as it pertains to search and seizure.)

This is a brief synopsis courtesy of Find Law:

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects personal privacy, and every citizen's right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into their persons, homes, businesses, and property -- whether through police stops of citizens on the street, arrests, or searches of homes and businesses.

Lawmakers and the courts have put in place legal safeguards to ensure that law enforcement officers interfere with individuals' Fourth Amendment rights only under limited circumstances, and through specific methods.

In the criminal law realm, Fourth Amendment "search and seizure" protections extend to:
  • A law enforcement officer's physical apprehension or "seizure" of a person, by way of a stop or arrest; and
  • Police searches of places and items in which an individual has a legitimate expectation of privacy -- his or her person, clothing, purse, luggage, vehicle, house, apartment, hotel room, and place of business, to name a few examples.
The Fourth Amendment provides safeguards to individuals during searches and detentions, and prevents unlawfully seized items from being used as evidence in criminal cases. The degree of protection available in a particular case depends on the nature of the detention or arrest, the characteristics of the place searched, and the circumstances under which the search takes place.

When Does the Fourth Amendment Apply?

The legal standards derived from the Fourth Amendment provide constitutional protection to individuals in the following situations, among others:
  • An individual is stopped for police questioning while walking down the street.
  • An individual is pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, and the police officer searches the vehicle's trunk.
  • An individual is arrested.
  • Police officers enter an individual's house to place him or her under arrest.
  • Police officers enter an individual's apartment to search for evidence of crime.
  • Police officers enter a corporation's place of business to search for evidence of crime.
  • Police officers confiscate an individual's vehicle or personal property and place it under police control.
Simply put, since John Andrew Whitcraft, Jr. and Kevin M. Cimarusti dispossessed my mother by way of the fraudulent General Power of Attorney document, all of my property has been stolen, confiscated, searched and seized on many occasions. In no instance did a court order ever accompany it, and in fact on many occasion my property was returned to me in a corrupted form, minus documentation or storage media, or I found counterfeit documents switched with those that were seized. At no time was I ever advised of any legitimate basis for any investigation, and in most instances wasn't even accused of a crime. When I was, the charges were dropped. The remainder of the seizures were actually nothing more than thefts that law enforcement steadfastly refused to acknowledge perpetrated by those named above.

And all of this, as well as the CLEO Comedy Act that includes CLEO Clowns and Stooges described here, under the auspices of enforcing the law.

© humble journalist

Monday, September 12, 2011


Note that the e-mail from in response to the complaint features another phone number with instructions to call that number, so let us review. If the call is not redirected to a dead voice mail box, or if I am not put on hold 'till forever, the call will likely by taken by either a Military Hag or another stand-in who will disseminate bogus information, typical of CLEOs and their ilk. Even if the call were actually fielded by a representative of that office, there would be no record of it as I do not have a personal communication device and would therefore, be using a public phone. I also don't have a call-back number which would, I'm sure, cause another obstacle to whatever process the e-mail is implying. In other words, it would be like asking for LASD to say, "Gee, we never received the call (or the report)" which is one of the points I that was clarified long ago.

The point is that the e-mail itself is a rather succinct description of the complaint, is it not? So this tends to support another theory that has been building momentum since "Book-em Dan-O" Lasher's narrative provided evidence of the English skills level of the average cop. In that instance, we saw a grim reminder of how many students are unable to proceed to the next level of their education because of this handicap. "Assholette" Davis also lent support to this theory when she appeared to be unable to read the numerous corrections that were required to correct her self-serving falsifications. And now we see another law enforceement officials choosing to avoid the clear and concise nature of the complaint in its written form. It also suggests that some members of the law enforcement community have not read these essays which describe these things in detail as well.

This is the f***ing report if the certified correspondence, phone calls and e-mails aren't acknowledged. That's why these essays were posted in the first place. Jeez.

(Pardon the interruption, but the Guardians of Literacy and Free Speech interrupted service again, as in hijacked the account. The IP Scam is fundamental to CLEO tactics, along with the dirtbags who swarm in for photo-op support. Truly something to behold).

The points I was going to make anyway are actually supported by these observations regarding literacy in the CLEO community. I couldn't help but notice the three headliner crime stories in Mr. Roger's neigborhood all involved law enforcement personnel. High level people, not street cops or nose-picking half-wit security guards. We found one of Mr. Roger's deputies trying to buy crack from his vehicle. We saw a deputy U.S. Attorney involved in a scam to bilk homeowner's asscociations, her accomplice being her boyfriend who just happened to be a cop. The story got even uglier from that point. We saw the son of the Law and Order Judge hold up a casino in the most dramatic heist since Bugsy owned a third-rate clip joint Downton, using a gun he got from dear ol' dad's cache of weapons.

I can almost hear the readers asking, "Why aren't there any traditional criminal types involved in all of these headliner crimes, humble journalist? Wouldn't  you think that at least one would involve someone who wasn't a career law enforcement professional?" Good question, but the answer will not be forthcoming here. Only accurate accounts of my own experiences along with observations and accounts of CLEO antics.

But it provides us with another opportunity to make a point out of seemingly disparate occurrences. On my last visit to a public restroom, I encountered four guys standing around talking, as opposed to using the facilities for their intended purpose. As usual, in thirty seconds or less I managed to accomplish my task and exit, but I overhead the one who appeared most likely to be the military slime whispering instructions to the dirtbags with him. Guess what? They were going to make a bogus complaint regarding your humble writer, and as near as I can tell the military slimeball was using twenty dollar bills to persuade them to participate.

I've noted on several occasions that dirtbags are routinely compensated for their services, and on many more occasions there has been circumstantial evidence to support this conclusion. Twenty bucks seems to be the ammount that most dirtags will accept to follow someone into a restroom, perform boomerang-related tasks, make a bogus complaint, pose for photo-ops, or recite a script provided them by CLEOs for obvious reasons. I have also pointed out that the "credibility" issue is unnecessary to discuss further because there are several ways to deal with falsified reports or bogus complaints, my favorite being "You Bet Your Life" Polygraph Palooza.

But as a journalist it isn't important whethere someone is dumb enough to believe Lasher's narrative or the CLEO stooges required to support it. It is my task to be truthful and accurate. Let others run around plugging the holes in their story. Mine is static and doesn't require recruiting dirtbags, stooges, lifting DMV photos or stealing IDs. It doesn't require stealing or destroying property and documents that would constitute evidence of a crime or eliminating witnesses. It doesn't require a thousand bogus complaints to be paid for in a lame attempt to cover up a single falsified report made more than  decade earlier.

Let's make a calculation here to make a point. If CLEOs pay dirtbags twenty bucks and accrue a thousand bogus complaints, what have they accomplished? For twenty grand they have made a heroic attempt to protect and defend Dan Lasher. But what they actually purchased was twenty grand worth of dirtbag credibility, which is to say more CLEO bullshit that can be shoveled onto Mt. CLEO as it continues to grow. Of course, this is easier and probably cheaper that donating a kidney, but at the same time, "dirtbag credibility" is one of the comical aspects of all this and it allows me to make another point.

When Whitcraft's parrot weighed in with his commentary, he implied that to support Whitcraft, the alleged credibility of a cop would suffice, (which caused a roar of laughter at this post. We'll forget about the lawyers for the time being because they are, after all, paid to say whatever). So Whitcraft and Igor are looking for support from cops like CLEO Award-winner "Fairlane" Ford who also happens to be the King of the WAGs and was actually complicit in the crimes described here. ("Anything you say, Mr. Whitcraft. Need some help with those suppositories Mr. Whitcraft? I can change my name to 'Chevy' if you'd like that better Mr. Whitcraft"). Is this some kind of CLEO humor?

Probably not, because as we descend into the CLEO gutter and the Igor/Whitcraft cesspool, the "credibility" issue actually gets murkier and murkier, not clearer. In other words, we have arrived at a point where Igor and Whitcraft are relying on crooked cops, accomplices actually, to support their alleged credibility, and the cops who falsify the reports, ("Book-em Dan-O" Lasher comes to mind) are relying on some drunks they picked up off the street to make bogus complaints to support their impeccable credibility. (You have to see the dirtbags scratching their heads getting their instructions when they're actually trying to figure out how much malt liquor they can buy with twenty bucks. Only military slime could organize, and pay for, this stuff.)

So one lie begets another, and CLEO bullshit begets even more CLEO bullshit to be plausible, resulting in a ridiculous sequence of contrivances, fabrications, falsifications. Meanwhile, the alleged "credibility" of those involved, continues to deteriorate, spiralling downward into the cesspool where the primary perpetrators maintian possession of stolen property. So why, do you ask, are all the perps in the headliner crimes described above top-level law enforcement personnel? I'll keep at it until it becomes clear. Hopefully.

© humble journalist