
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Statement And Declaration

To support the previous essay, the following example may be useful. We have learned from observing the CLEO Alternate Universe that your humble writer becomes criminally liable for anything CLEO stooges might do after they have established proximity, dutifully recorded by super-covert law enforcement surveillance professionals. (At least this seems to be the theory, as it must remain, because I am not privy to the various CLEO storylines). These "associates" who only have to strike a proximity pose or ask for a cigarette or sit down and make lame attempts to initiate conversation, are obvious and annoying.

Just before I attempted to write the previous essays on August 29, 2011, (I say attempt because of the tug-of-war that was occurring with the IT tech over control of the account which resulted in multiple alterations and deletions), I was approached by a elderly gentleman who offered to buy me lunch. This is the glad-handing approach that I referred to earlier when describing the same tactic as it applied to the crooked pastor and ex-Marine, David S. Mack. An offer of work and assistance, Jesus Loves You, and all the accoutrements that are typical of this approach. Somehow a guy sitting by himself, going out of his way to remain by his lonesome and to avoid opportunities for hostile parties to make complaints, just isn't acceptable to ex-military personnel. So when this guy approached me with an offer of a free lunch, (which we know doesn't exist in the real world), it wasn't long before he actually admitted that he was at one time a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, which is a new slant on this story. It has also become obvious over the years that somehow ex-military slime know who I am, and have made conspicuous efforts to make sure they know where I am as well.

When I first attempted to bring these issues to the attention of the judiciary, the primary tactic used by ex-military slime was harassment. The descriptions would fill another volume, but some of the idiocy included military slime popping out from behind bushes and yelling obscenities, bumping into me, standing a few inches behind me and breathing down my neck, throwing beer bottles from passing vehicles, slamming on their brakes a few feet before coming to a stop while I was in a crosswalk, and a number of other examples that clearly indicated motive and affiliation. After that I was approached by glad-handing pastors who concealed their affiliation, then stole and corrupted my property at the earliest opportunity. And after that part of their mission was accomplished, they became likely to make a bogus complaint of some sort to complete their mission.

So now we see kindly old guys offering to buy me lunch, and actually admitting their affiliation. I take this to be even more insidious that the other ex-military slime that have approached me in the past because the military slime brain trust knows it is very unlikely I'm going to stand up and punch out and old guy for offering to buy me lunch. And so, like any other CLEO stooge, becomes an "associate" by way of proximity posing and the initiation of conversation. In other words, he's trying to portray himself as my pal, typical of the other CLEO pieces of shit that approach me incessantly for no other reason than to support CLEO storylines.

So after I present the following example to support the previous essays on the subject of CLEO Clown actors and staged portrayals, I will make a statement that pertains to all ex-military slime who have cluttered the landscape of this story with their criminality, falsifications, fabrications, thefts, assaults, harassment, and the other criminal offenses described in previous essays. (Keep in mind that all of these people connect directly to John Andrew Whitcraft, Jr., defense contractor and former military slimeball).

Now I don't want to give the CLEOs any ideas, but it seems to me that rather than directing all the stooge activity that I am obliged to witness on a daily basis, the same false attribution of criminal activity could be accomplished by using the following scenario which applies the same CLEO Logic principles. The cops provide themselves with a typical CLEO stooge. (The King of the Stooges may volunteer for this which would save a step in the process, but any stooge will do).

The cops tell the stooge to walk past me on the street and wave or feign familiarity in another manner, say a thumb-up signal which is popular with CLEO stooges. The direct the stooge to enter and rob the nearest bank, maybe a few steps away. The cops, waiting outside to make one of the staged arrests I've seen on so many occasions, recover the stolen money. The stooge is directed to point at me, assuming I'm still near by, but this can be accomplished later when they get his statement. Getting his instructions from the cops, the stooge tells them that I was an accomplice to the robbery, perhaps the observer. Better yet, the cops tell him that he should say that I planned the robbery, maybe even supplied the note he used to demand the money.

The cops then tell the stooge that in exchange for his testimony, they will drop the charges against him, and promptly track me down and arrest your humble writer who was walking down the street when a CLEO stooge, some asshole he'd never seen before, waved at him before he entered and robbed a bank.

This is a simplified analogy that could apply to any CLEO storyline. The theory is straight out of the CLEO Logic Field Manual which I have observed for years as CLEO aggression has become more and more conspicuous. On a typical day, several people will make bogus complaints about my conduct. Perhaps a dozen, sometimes many more, CLEO stooges will become stalkers for staged photo-ops, proximity poses, recitals of CLEO storylines, and other contrivances clearly intended to be suggestive of illegal activity. On some occasions, these people have been transported great distances to make it appear that a photo-op staged in one jurisdiction corresponds with another hundreds of miles away. 

Obviously, this is supposed to be an inference that some sort of communication must have occurred, but that the cops just couldn't figure out how it was done or how, (because there can be no evidence to support any such communication unless it is handed to them by CLEO stooges), the truth being that the cops staged both photo-ops for that effect. CLEO bullshit is something I continue to encounter as a constant, because they know bullshit is a requisite to construct a plausible storyline, and because they know I have no way of precluding ex-military slime or CLEO stooges from approaching me. The cops will establish my identity and location with drive-bys sometimes more than a dozen times in a day, CLEO stooges always somewhere in the vicinity. (Just before I wrote this essay, I was compelled to tell one of these stalker-stooges to cease and desist, because a guy that crosses my path more than six or eight times a day, who follow me down a street or into a restroom is either a stalker or engaged in a form of harassment).

So when an ex-military slimeball sees me sitting by my lonesome, it is almost inevitable that I will have to move or risk a confrontation that will inevitably result in a complaint or a police response, and a lot of the time neither is possible. I have to sit down for a while occasionally. I can't keep getting up and moving every time a CLEO stooge or a military slimeball approaches me. So this tactic is insidious and a form of harassment as well.

This story covers a lot of subjects, technology, databases, military involvement in law enforcement, the PMAPS clearly indicating that certain segments of the population are not subject to the laws the rest of us are expected to respect, the facts and occurrences associated with the entire identity scam fiasco, but I will remind the reader that every criminal offense that was perpetrated against me, every manifestation of "Cop Filth" which refers to tactical falsifications and alterations to official reports, every slovenly, uneducated, dirtbag who managed to benefit from the crimes committed against me or my mother, was affiliated with the U.S. military, the vast majority of them the U.S. Navy or Marines.

Can someone explain to me how the primary characters, like ex-Marine Lau and his bogus police report, or ex-Marine Dave Mack stealing critical documentation and records, or suspected ex-military cops like Lasher, Johnston and Ford committing similar, but clearly related, offenses if they were not connected by the same motives and affiliations? If they were not part of an agenda that was preconceived, deliberative and criminal in many respects?

So my statement and declaration is to all ex-military personnel. Stay the f*** away from me. Do not approach me. Do not talk to me. Do not offer me a free lunch or anything else. Get lost. Piss off. Go take a flying f*** at a rolling donut. Because yesterday I was quietly having a cup of coffee, not bothering anyone, enjoying my solitude, and when I looked up a guy was walking towards me but I was too tired to get up and move. So he sat down and started talking, as if this was going to brighten my day instead of what it was, a part of an agenda, his contribution to the CLEO Comedy described here. It was nothing more than another contrived attempt to "associate" me with whatever this particular asshole might do later, same as it ever was.

I have seen thousands of CLEO stooges, and I have seen as many examples of ex-military slime, and not by choice. This has become a personal war waged by ex-military slime against your humble writer. It always was. They don't like me and I don't like them. Neither did my mom.

So cut the crap. CLEOs have a use for you because you commit the criminal offenses they can't. You can steal the property they couldn't acquire during Raid, Rummage and Ransack stops. You can hand them bogus complaints that they turn into falsified reports. You can be their eyes and ears, surrogate stalkers, that allow for them to circumvent and sometimes violate the laws that pertain to investigations and evidence. And those of you that are hiding behind your badges like "Fairlane" Ford, you can also commit a series of criminal offense that will never be prosecuted.

But from now on when any ex-military personnel approach me without an explicit invitation to do so, I will consider it a hostile act, more evidence of indicative of your aggression and criminal conduct, because no one besides you and CLEO stooges know who I am or where I am, but you people always do, and on many occasions you've proven that you even know when it is likely I'll have to take a piss. So if you want to sell your bullshit to someone, take it elsewhere. Next time I see one of you creeps walking towards me without an explicit invitation, the good-natured guy that started out writing a book, may not be so good-natured any more.

I realize that is exactly what they want, but I will continue to avoid conflicts and complaints because I know they are counterproductive, and I can do a lot more damage to these mindless idiots, the useless military slime that perpetrated the crimes described here by exercising my First Amendment rights and describing them and their activities accurately. A hostile response effectively precludes that, so I have maintained my composure after literally thousands of provocative acts and harassment committed by ex-military personnel. But I don't have to sit and watch you invade my personal space, or allow you stage your portrayals in my presence, or let you become "associates" for the benefit of CLEO storylines.  

So let me repeat for emphasis. Do not approach me. Do not talk to me. Do not offer me a free lunch or anything else. Get lost. Piss off. Go take a flying f*** at a rolling donut. But stay off of my cloud. Let this serve also as notice to law enforcement officials and PMAPS. Since you have decided to hand these people a license to steal, to commit any criminal offense against me in violation of law pertaining to equal protection, then you are, as has been demonstrated on many occasions previously, complicit in those crimes. I will continue to do my best to document and describe the instances when that has occurred. That's just me. The Son of a Literary Scholar; the lady that taught me how to write and paid for my education in journalism.

(And by the way, these f***ing thieves can't even respect the personal property that includes the content of this account, hacking my essays to pieces and committing even more criminal offense in the process. This essay was completed at 11:25 a.m. on August 30, 2011. The IT tech was conspicuously absent when I wrote it, but emerged just after it was posted. If these are America's Heroes, maybe America needs some new heroes.)  

© humble journalist

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