
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Friday, September 16, 2011

Journalism 301: Find the Facts

It may be time for a few corrections because over the years CLEO stupidity has manifest itself in many ways, in some cases altering my views and opinions. Assigning the designation of Alternate Universe for instance, is not as accurate as it could be. What I have observed is more akin to "Cop World" where whatever CLEOs can manage to put into a police report is supposed to be representative of something within the realm that more than 90% of the population considers to be reality. While it remains an Alternate Universe of sorts, it is purely a construct of those with similar motives and affiliations, but it doesn't constitute a Universe, only a rather sophomoric manifestation of what cops would like their reality to be.

It also probably isn't fair to imply that all security guards or county personnel are nose-pickers or Hags. There was a time when I didn't think so, but unfortunately only those with hostile intentions have approached me or performed their duties since May of 2007 due to the agenda described here. There are also probably a lot of good people that decided that the military was their best, if not only, option for employment in a failing economy. The "slime" that I have referred to here have primarily been those amongst the Whitcraft generation, many of them no longer with us. However, I have been dismayed by the fact that many of their progeny have been the primary perpetrators of many of the criminal offenses that went unprosecuted, obviously directed by their immediate relations. I haven't named a lot of them, but when Ms. Smith was mentioned, it was intended to be a prelude to demonstrating a common denominator that runs throughout this sordid account.

The fact that such a narrow range of the population was responsible for the various forms of falsifications and fabrications is not a coincidence, nor is the fact that the entire scam was intended to erroneously establish that your humble writer as a member of their ranks (although I continue to find it amusing that they see this as means of degradation, the same way that cops did when they entered bogus information into their databases). What, after all, was wrong with a reasonably well-educated guy without a significant criminal record, gainfully employed, or the fact that he was never a member of the military (which is what I was until Michael E. Bartley was issued a fraudulent ID on September 20, 1996?) Who had a problem with that? That is the question that includes the elusive Who and Why that has been concealed, along with various Whats that include the official records shared by law enforcement and government officials; records that have been used against me but never actually documented which precludes contesting any of it. This is another pattern that has run consistently throughout; concealing the pertinent facts, identities of complainants, and the records as a strategy to protect the perpetrators from culpability or liability. (Typical of the cowardly nature of those that use slander as a tactical device and straight out of the Whitcraft Field Manual).

It has always been obvious that theft and destruction of evidence was conditional to any portrayal of your humble writer as any of the above and the entire storyline that included an alleged "residential burglary" wasn't going to work for more than another decade; until after all the evidence of my identity had been stolen, destroyed or misappropriated. It is also obvious that all of those involved with bogus complaints, thefts, phony database entries, phantom "arrests" and the other elements, mostly propelled by police reports sans court records that correlate to them, were connected. Easily connected, in fact, not some random configuration of objective observers who just happened to be around when a specific complaint, report, theft or allegation was made. No one amongst the 90% of the population that didn't have knowledge of the various scams it took to perpetrate any of the frauds or misrepresentations, has ever been part of the official records or CLEO storylines. In other words, the only people that have contributed to falsehoods, misrepresentations, bogus complaints or allegations of criminality have been confined to those with common motives and affiliations, or CLEO stooges that started showing up, not coincidentally, just after the initial theft report in May 1997.

But the questions that are obvious and continue to remain unanswered, actually clarify the agenda in retrospect. What happened to Michael E. Bartley? Did he not have a lengthy criminal record prior to 1997? Was he not in the Navy? Did he not exist? What is the storyline anyway and why was it concealed until after the thefts that preceded all of this? No one has ever mentioned anything to me about military service, and the notion of it is ludicrous. I would have left the country without hesitation if I had ever been subject to the draft, which I wasn't, and there is no doubt whatsoever that any and all scholastic achievement could be duplicated with ease. This is stupid and ill-conceived, as phony as Lasher's narrative. Is the entire population supposed to be too stupid to think that cops would copy and paste a photo once the original was targeted and destroyed? Couldn't happen because cops would never do such a thing? Bullshit.

And why has the response to my efforts to investigate these things on my own, despite stonewalling and mindless attacks on my person and property, been some sort of investigation or police response? Because the primary perps were all cops and prosecutors? I guess that makes sense, but all I have done is piece together what appears to be someone's idea of a brilliant plan that was completely reliant on access to official databases, thefts and misrepresentations. All of the participants appear to have the same motives and affiliations and all of them gained financially or in some other tangible manner in exchange for lying, stealing, fabricating or misrepresenting something that was necessary to lend support to phony police reports and database entries that preceded all of this.

So I'm supposed to be Dr. Evil because I started asking some questions, looking for information, seeking judicial review, when it was obvious that theft, destruction and corruption of evidence was clearly orchestrated for transparent reasons? I'm supposed to conform to Michael E. Bartley's profile because a couple of ex-military cops cooked up a comical police report with a cheap computer? I'm supposed to be stupid and uneducated because Michael E. Bartley was in the military? I'm supposed to be engaged in illegal activity for the benefit and convenience of PMAPS and CLEOs? The Perpetual Investigation and harassment by military slime is permanent because the people that planned this are a bunch of screw-ups?

I'm the only guy who isn't breaking the law, the only guy who has a legitimate reason to conduct an investigation, and it is the people that I am investigating for journalistic purposes that are the ones involved in covering their tracks, concealing their identities or their statements, reports or database entries. 

© humble journalist

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