When I post the essay "Preachers and Punks" it was, as described, an metaphorical reference to the politicos and military slime that I consider to be primary perpetrators of the various scams described here. None of them would have been possible without PMAPS, who are in generally politicians as Mr. Cooley recently demonstrated, and military slime that had found their way into law enforcement positions. Along the way, of course, we've also seen the participation of County Hags and others who all happen to work for the counties with the most culpability and liability, otherwise known as motive.
But it was also a test of CLEO Comics, who as I have pointed out, have consistently mimicked these essays with the direction of typical CLEOs stooges, dirtbags and posers who necessarily accompany these contrived storylines. Of course, it wasn't long before I saw "preachers" showing up for proximity poses, some carrying Bibles or other literature, and America's Future in the form of Mini-dirtbags doing the same, many clad in the ridiculous costumes that were noted long ago.
Since this experimental exercise in testing CLEO stupidity, there are but two possibilities that I can think of. One, that CLEOs believe that the annoyance of these people, the obvious mimicry in particular, is intended to thwart my descriptive accounts. The other possibility is that CLEOs are actually serious about a storyline that includes a "secret code" component. Now somehow envisioning CLEOs standing before the judiciary trying to sell this load of CLEO bullshit is amusing beyond words, but I will try anyway. How would it go?
"Look, Your Honor, when he writes something like 'Preachers and Punks' all the stooges understand this 'secret code' and in this way, in his typically devious manner, orchestrates a nefarious scheme to conduct his illegal activity right in front of super-covert law enforcement surveillance apparatus. Not only that, he's corrupted America's religious institutions and our children, (that we sometimes chuck into bathrooms and leave the area when he takes a piss). Yes, Your Honor, if it weren't for our super-refined law enforcement skills and training, we never would have discovered this plot to destroy the fabric of America, and indeed engage in patently illegal activities which we are bound by oath to stop in our capacity as law enforcement officials."
Uh, yeah, OK.
In any case, it will have to remain an open question for the time being, but while the CLEO Comedy continues we have been served some more hors d'oeuvres from the CLEO menu which can be accurately described and documented. On this day, September 16, 2011, CLEO stooges were out early, literally stationed all along route to write this essay. We saw the usual suspects, cell phones at the ready, and as near as I can tell many bogus complaints may have been made before my usual two cups of coffee kicked in. The cops, and the other perpetrators described here, are clearly restless. It also appears that the IP Scam is indeed prevailing as a component of the CLEO Comedy. I was redirected once again, trying to access this account, and I would expect that the devices and tactics used by County Criminals and their ilk continue.
We have also been presented with another example of false attribution, typical of CLEO tactics, and necessarily reliant on County Hags and the processes of those with the most culpability and liability; those with common motives and affiliations; those that provide themselves with opportunities by way of their status and positions of authority. Proving that CLEO scams are always in progress, I was presented with a stack of forms to sign at County Hag Central on September 13, 2011. I proceeded to sign those forms as instructed, but it wasn't until after those forms were removed from my possession that it occurred to me that I had once again become a victim of CLEO Conniving. (I should know better by now, huh?) The County Hag who identified herself as Ms. Garcia, asked another patron if he had been in the military, a question that wasn't directed to me.
At that point, I realized that the same question was on a form that had been presented to me on another occasion, and that Ms. Garcia had filled in the form in my stead after I had signed it along with a bunch of others. So I asked her, "Why didn't you ask me that?" and she quickly responded, "OK, were you ever in the military?" and of course I answered truthfully, "No, I was not." But alas, the form had already been completed by Ms. Garcia, and she made no effort to either enter that information, or to correct what had already been entered on the form. (This is journalistic red meat). So what did Ms. Garcia enter when she took the liberty of filling in the form without my participation, then refusing to allow me to review it after she had done so?
Do you think it is possible that once again the CLEO community has falsified an official document, used their authority to take possession of a form with my signature on it to provide themselves with the "evidence" of falsehoods that serve their purposes, consistent with their agenda? Did the County of Los Angeles once again come up with a Switcheroo Scam to accomplish that, a sleight-of-hand that relied on the confusion over the forms that were handed to me? Your humble writer, being rather adept at identifying CLEO Scams, and also knowledgeable of proper, lawful procedures, will make the effort to ascertain this information, and as always, report the findings here.
Of course, this almost always means that the offenders will steadfastly refuse to provide any information on the subject, then launch into an attack that usually includes some reference to my "attitude" or my conduct at the point where this information is requested. Often, as we have noted in the past, and Ms. Garcia demonstrated once again, that inquiring about these things is usually accompanied by a threat of a police response. (On this occasion, County Hag Garcia told me that to inquire further was making her "job more difficult" and to continue this line of questioning would result in your humble writer being "escorted from the building" by County law enforcement officials). No shit? Where have we heard that line before?
For that reason, I think it is reasonable to assume that, yes, another CLEO Scam by the usual suspects was perpetrated by those with similar motives and affiliations. But in the interest of journalistic integrity, this commentary is accompanied by the caveat that the content of the form remains a matter of speculation, but the Who, When, Where and How have been answered. This leaves What was entered, and of course the Why once it is determined the information Ms. Garcia entered without my participation, without my knowledge, and without an opportunity, lawful and proper by any standard, to review that document.
© humble journalist
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