
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stooge Attack

So as I sit to write another essay, we see all the usual suspects congregating to perform the CLEO IP Scam, (log-in at 12:23 on September 1, 2011), with the expectation that some sort of CLEO-friendly communication or printout will be the result. Remember that these people are very clever. So clever in fact, that over the last twenty years, with access provided by Kevin M. Cimarusti and John Andrew Whitcraft, Jr., they have had more control over my property than I have. And since Whitcraft recorded his fraudulent General Power of Attorney document, enforced by nose-picking half-wits like "Fairlane" Ford, the rest of my property was either stolen or corrupted and returned by law enforcement.

So on many occasions I've asked, "Why can't law enforcement find a way to enforce the law without accessing my property first?" which also applies to Internet-based accounts like this one. Because it hasn't escaped my notice that since May 2007 when I made that two-page theft report, law enforcement personnel have constantly found ways to take possession of my property, then hand it back to me, either minus important documents, or in a corrupted state, and in no instance have anything resembling legitimate charges ever resulted.

But that may be changing, as we have seen Mt. CLEO grow to enormous proportions, one dirt clod at a time supplied by those law enforcement officials with the most culpability or liability, those jurisdictions and some of their antics described in these essays. And of course, it has become rather obvious that bogus complaints and falsified reports are the dirt clods, America's Heroes handing themselves "evidence" that has become Mt. CLEO. Meanwhile, knowing the Who and the Why that law enforcement has conspicuously subtracted from the equations, I have endeavored to stay focus on the subjects that are not susceptible to prevarication, corruption or theft; those issues that I consider to be significant for a number of reasons beyond their usefulness as vehicles for CLEO aggression.

Since we've discussed hijacked communications to the extent possible due to lack of cooperation by those who have (yawn) stolen, blocked, redirected or corrupted mail, phone and e-mails, along with accurate records of them, we are left with the few existing communications, usually e-mails which are indicators of CLEO activities and aggression as all communications and stooge attacks are, keeping in mind that there is always a CLEO scam in progress regardless of where I am or what I happen to be doing. Anything I could possibly do has either been criminalized or become part of an investigation by The Good Guys who are committed to protecting America from destitute journalists. Here is our latest example, the date and address images instead of text. This is an important point, because it is images that have routinely been switched within accounts, and also have the most potential for malicious code to become part of, let's say, a blog like this one.

When an image is used in any Internet-based environment, it becomes a vehicle for hackers, and when I started writing on the subject the first pages are devoted to e-mails received from the Sierra Madre Police Department no less, that used images instead of text and Rich Text with the same capability that I found out later had corrupted my computer and all of my storage media before I realized it what had occurred. (This is why the only image you will find here is that of George W. Bush, but Microsoft is still struggling with Rich Text problems that hackers have been exploiting for years. See Microsoft "Problems" catalog.)

Here is the most recent e-mail which is probably a direct result of the essays that discuss the incident, but also an opportunity for L.A. County to "investigate" their own CLEO stooges, or to turn it into another falsified report which, no doubt, will determine that I was the perpetrator. But if nothing else, it will also determine the identity of the cowardly, worm-like wanna-be cop which would be interesting to find out. If so, it will be reported here. 

Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 1:12 PM The law requires that the agency involved to make an internal affairs investigation regarding citizen's complaints. If probable cause exists to believe a law enforcement officer has committed a crime they will forward the case to our office. Since you case involves LASD Deputies you should contact their complaint line at (800) 698-8255

So I've converted the images to text here, because I had to delete the entire "Somebody Is Lying" essay that included e-mails because even after I tried to delete just the images, they remained embedded in the document. These embedded images that can also be part of a maliciously constructed website, burrow into the document and provide "placeholders" for images to be inserted through an Internet connection any time hackers choose. And of course, they can also insert any sort of image they would like once the embedded "placeholder" becomes part of the document. This problem is exacerbated by programs that actively scan the Internet for images, which is likely what happened to Michael Fiola and perhaps thousands of others who didn't know their computer had become an Incrimination Machine due to malicious code they had inadvertently picked up browsing the Internet, pasting text that contained malicious code into a document that was stored on their computer or storage media, or opening an e-mail.

These devices are well-know to hackers, as are the many ways to acquire someone's passwords or other personal information. This is no big secret as we have seen that hundreds of millions of accounts have been invaded, the data stolen or destroyed, since "Questioning the Internet" was posted. (The link to the Associated Press article on Michael Fiola was broken, so here is an article at Huffington Post that refers to that piece. )

What has amazed me since I started watching how this story developed, knowing that my storage media had filled itself with several GB's of hidden files as described in "Somebody Is Lying" below, was that prosecutors acted as if they were totally oblivious to the fact that trojans, viruses and malicious code existed. Of course, the PMAPS have no interest in becoming educated, only accusing people. But when I started writing on this subject in August 2007 it was because I already knew my computer and storage media had been corrupted, and after doing some research, it wasn't difficult to figure out those two crucial W's, the Who and Why.

To some extent the corruption was through direct access, physical possession of my belongings. On other occasions through an Internet connection, but once copies had been made of all my files, including those saved from prior to when the corruption occurred, the originals were clearly targeted by law enforcement and military slime like the crooked, alleged "pastor" Dave Mack of Monrovia, Ca. After that storage media went missing after law enforcement or military slime had gained possession or was destroyed by people who somehow knew the originals existed, much like the IDs, employment records, dated photos, memorabilia, postmarked correspondence and other articles were targeted.

So there came a time when, after multiple Access and Corruption incidents, mostly staged or contrived by law enforcement, I was only left with those things that law enforcement wanted to Recover to complete the ACR formula. Now I've never made a secret of any of this, and in fact have made repeated attempt to report these things as well, partly for my own protection since I have known since they occurred that the How and Why were critical to the ACR equation. And also knowing that the access points where I was separated from my possessions were clearly orchestrated for that purpose, just like Raid, Rummage and Ransack attacks have been.

At this point, hoping to preserve text in its original form, I will move to the next posting (which of course caused the text frame to lock up when I tried to save it. Apparently the IT Tech won't be caught off guard again. The time is 1:35 p.m. on September 1, 2011). But before I post it, I am saving the text to the clipboard, so when the alterations and deletions that have occurred when the "draft saved" version replaces this one, I will be able to copy the original text to another document. So f*** you IT Techs, Public Servants who control the servers I'm obliged to use, and those who have used illegal access to perform that trick repeatedly in the past.

And one more notation: When I tried to sign out of the account, the sign out was redirected. So did I actually sign out? Can I sign out? Or is that how the IT Tech will maintain control once I leave? More fascinating Internet-base questions to come, but the Who and Why remain constant, because I'm not the guy hacking my own essays to pieces or has a motive to leave his account open, or to allow asshole IT Techs to share my blog space while I'm writing. 1:50 p.m. Sept. 1, 2011.

© humble journalist

"Red Meat (I will use that term as a matter of convenience and brevity to designate any information that is conspicuously concealed, hidden or destroyed)." Note that this reference was deleted after seeing CLEO stooges buzzing your humble writer with red hats. (I'm not kidding). If this is supposed to be CLEOs idea of a "secret code" scenario, knowing that CLEOs have a propensity for this sort of thing to justify their super-covert, law enforcement professional surveillance capabilities and the Perpetual Investigation, I will remind them that this issue was dealt with more than a year ago. There is only one acceptable "secret code" that will be recognized here. Bouffant hairdos. And besides, a reference to red meat doesn't include anything red; it would be too confusing, because like Mr. Blackwell outfits, there's too many of them. So until I see someone with a T-bone steak tied to their head, I will try and ignore the antics of CLEO stooges. Are you getting all this Judge Miller? Because what is, and has been required since I started writing on these subjects, is adult supervision, something that has been conspicuously lacking by all parties involved.

Link to excerpts:

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