The same principle of CLEO stoogedom applies to all CLEO stooges regardless of the cost or the gratuity involved. The stooge activity that preceded the September 12, 2011 essay was almost unprecedented, hundreds of dirtbags in costumes rushing to affect proximity poses, some pursuing your humble writer down the street, emphasizing the tactical nature of these portrayals. If I had to estimate of the number of staged photo-ops required to propel a CLEO storyline that would include illegal activity on September 12, it would be somewhere between 100-150, most of which were accompanied by cell calls and doesn't take into account the hijacking of these Internet-based essays by he Guardians of Literacy and Free Speech.
This allows for another calculation that will help to define CLEO strategems. It has been almost exactly four years since the first paragraphs on CLEO antics, fabrications, falsifications, thefts, et al, were written. If we take a conservative number like a dozen staged portrayals with super-covert surveillance photo-ops to support them, that means that law enforcement has collected 17,520 phony portrayals that serve their purposes of implying illegal activity. (My estimation, being the primary witness of these things, would be closer to 50,000). Despite all of this activity that includes conpicuous boomerang retrievals, staged arrests, Abandoned Shopping Bags, at no point has any law enforcement official searched my belongings or made an arrest based on the activity of CLEO stooges. But the recitals, photo-ops, affectations, stage props, costumes and proximity poses have been constants. The reason is simple. At no time was I ever in possession of contraband or money that would naturally be expected to accompany any of this CLEO bullshit.
Instead, CLEOs have used stooges as their primary vehicles to imply illegal activity. As I've watched these antics, the appearance of CLEO stooges over great distances and their arrival at a specific location unknown to anyone besides myself, the intent has always been obvious as well as the direction required to make it happen. No one besides law enforcement (or military slime stalkers that perform that task for them when necessary) could possibly anticipate or have knowledge of my location at a particular time. But question is not so much how these things are staged or why. My question has always been who are they and what do they get from law enforcement in exchange for these performances? So along the way I've noted that there have been two generalities that appear to be valid categorical references.
First, we have seen the lower forms of dirtbags that will affect portrayals, harass, provoke, commit thefts or assaults for petty cash which appears to be paid out by military slime that directs these things for the benefit of law enforcement (who are obviously anticipating the result since they are always nearby when they occur). The second category are those who already have pending issues with law enforcement, some released from jail for the purpose of becoming CLEO stooges. When, for instance, Carl Killian became the only person that could establish my location on July 14, 1994, he had a pending DUI case, though I'm fairly certain the record of it has been expunged for obvious reasons. When Scott Butler introduced Michael E. Bartley to this fiasco, he also had a pending DUI, (his second or third if memory serves), as well as serious issues with the IRS that resulted in his real estate license being temporarily revoked.
The King of the Stooges serves as another example. He performs a task for the Big Shots in Monrovia that he described as "taking the trash out to the curb" which is a metaphorical way of describing how many city leaders deal with most of what they consider riff-raff or undesirables in modern urban environments. There are many ways to accomplish this of course, and one of them is to implicate, make false statements for the benefit of CLEO reports, affect portrayals, steal property, plant "evidence" or any number of CLEO tactics described earlier in these essays. City leaders, particularly those who have a compelling interest in covering up their participation in the criminal activities described here, then share the same motives as those with common affiliations like military slime, PMAPS, County Hags or law enforcement personnel.
(Unfortunately, at this point we saw another "Conflicting Edits" prompt when I tried to save the text above meaning that hijacking the account while I'm logged-in, indicative of the IP Scam, also remains a constant as an element of any CLEO storyline. This is always accompanied by stooge activity in the vicinity, dirtbags with plastic bags or other stage props entering and exiting, so false attribution of communications continues to be a requisite for CLEOs to portray illegal activity, as well as the aforementioned stooges.)
In this way, those with shared motives and affiliations assist each other, either provide immunity from illegal activities like ID fraud by DMV personnel, frauds that involve theft or misappropriation of property by way of falsifications to official databases, records and documents, etc., or use law enforcement as a matter of expediency to contain or cover up misconduct. Those with shared motives and affiliations can shield themselves from culpability or liability by using the authority and status inherent to those positions. PMAPS then, not only provide a weapon and a shield for themselves, but also for their benefactors who share those same motives and affiliations, especially political, as I have duly noted here.
CLEO stooges then, are the only requisite for the portrayals, recitals, statements, photo-ops, proximity poser text messages, and other affectations that are clearly intended to suggest illegal activity, and these people are relatively cheap for a number of reasons. First, when gratuities are exchanged with CLEO stooges, there is no cost to their benefactors; they are paid either in public funds or favors that are inherent to the authority bestowed upon them by the taxpayers. Second, when stooges provide bogus complaints, false statements, or affect phony portrayals, they don't have to concern themselves with the fact that these activities along with their collusion with law enforcement, are illegal because PMAPS have a self-serving interest in making sure that they are never prosecuted.
(They also had a self-serving interest in making sure that none of the alleged "arrests" described in Lasher's narrative were ever prosecuted either. To do so would have exposed the scam forthwith because your humble writer was never arrested on any of those occasions. Prior to Bartley's demise in December 1999, while those IDs were still in my possession, that could have easily been demonstrated to the court as easily as it was at the identity hearing when the PMAPS offered no rebuttal to the conclusion reached by the court, nor did they dispute any of the evidence rendered to the court. Any confusion on the subject, is therefore strictly on the part of PMAPS like Paul "Pffft" who have not offered any sort of explanation for the DA Number Scam.)
So the thousands of CLEO stooges that have propelled the various CLEO storylines, many of which I can only guess at because I have never been questioned about any specific investigation or the basis of it, are easy to find and don't show up on any ledger, which explains the vast numbers that CLEOs have used to affect the portrayals and provide the impetus for the Perpetual Investigation, (the latest "investigation" the result of the complaint against LASD Deputy Goon and the Raid, Rummage and Ransack tactics routinely used by various law enforcement officials to circumvent the Fourth Amendment as it pertains to search and seizure.)
This is a brief synopsis courtesy of Find Law:
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects personal privacy, and every citizen's right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into their persons, homes, businesses, and property -- whether through police stops of citizens on the street, arrests, or searches of homes and businesses.
Lawmakers and the courts have put in place legal safeguards to ensure that law enforcement officers interfere with individuals' Fourth Amendment rights only under limited circumstances, and through specific methods.
In the criminal law realm, Fourth Amendment "search and seizure" protections extend to:
- A law enforcement officer's physical apprehension or "seizure" of a person, by way of a stop or arrest; and
- Police searches of places and items in which an individual has a legitimate expectation of privacy -- his or her person, clothing, purse, luggage, vehicle, house, apartment, hotel room, and place of business, to name a few examples.
When Does the Fourth Amendment Apply?
The legal standards derived from the Fourth Amendment provide constitutional protection to individuals in the following situations, among others:
- An individual is stopped for police questioning while walking down the street.
- An individual is pulled over for a minor traffic infraction, and the police officer searches the vehicle's trunk.
- An individual is arrested.
- Police officers enter an individual's house to place him or her under arrest.
- Police officers enter an individual's apartment to search for evidence of crime.
- Police officers enter a corporation's place of business to search for evidence of crime.
- Police officers confiscate an individual's vehicle or personal property and place it under police control.
And all of this, as well as the CLEO Comedy Act that includes CLEO Clowns and Stooges described here, under the auspices of enforcing the law.
© humble journalist
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