Note that the e-mail from in response to the complaint features another phone number with instructions to call that number, so let us review. If the call is not redirected to a dead voice mail box, or if I am not put on hold 'till forever, the call will likely by taken by either a Military Hag or another stand-in who will disseminate bogus information, typical of CLEOs and their ilk. Even if the call were actually fielded by a representative of that office, there would be no record of it as I do not have a personal communication device and would therefore, be using a public phone. I also don't have a call-back number which would, I'm sure, cause another obstacle to whatever process the e-mail is implying. In other words, it would be like asking for LASD to say, "Gee, we never received the call (or the report)" which is one of the points I that was clarified long ago.
The point is that the e-mail itself is a rather succinct description of the complaint, is it not? So this tends to support another theory that has been building momentum since "Book-em Dan-O" Lasher's narrative provided evidence of the English skills level of the average cop. In that instance, we saw a grim reminder of how many students are unable to proceed to the next level of their education because of this handicap. "Assholette" Davis also lent support to this theory when she appeared to be unable to read the numerous corrections that were required to correct her self-serving falsifications. And now we see another law enforceement officials choosing to avoid the clear and concise nature of the complaint in its written form. It also suggests that some members of the law enforcement community have not read these essays which describe these things in detail as well.
This is the f***ing report if the certified correspondence, phone calls and e-mails aren't acknowledged. That's why these essays were posted in the first place. Jeez.
(Pardon the interruption, but the Guardians of Literacy and Free Speech interrupted service again, as in hijacked the account. The IP Scam is fundamental to CLEO tactics, along with the dirtbags who swarm in for photo-op support. Truly something to behold).
The points I was going to make anyway are actually supported by these observations regarding literacy in the CLEO community. I couldn't help but notice the three headliner crime stories in Mr. Roger's neigborhood all involved law enforcement personnel. High level people, not street cops or nose-picking half-wit security guards. We found one of Mr. Roger's deputies trying to buy crack from his vehicle. We saw a deputy U.S. Attorney involved in a scam to bilk homeowner's asscociations, her accomplice being her boyfriend who just happened to be a cop. The story got even uglier from that point. We saw the son of the Law and Order Judge hold up a casino in the most dramatic heist since Bugsy owned a third-rate clip joint Downton, using a gun he got from dear ol' dad's cache of weapons.
I can almost hear the readers asking, "Why aren't there any traditional criminal types involved in all of these headliner crimes, humble journalist? Wouldn't you think that at least one would involve someone who wasn't a career law enforcement professional?" Good question, but the answer will not be forthcoming here. Only accurate accounts of my own experiences along with observations and accounts of CLEO antics.
But it provides us with another opportunity to make a point out of seemingly disparate occurrences. On my last visit to a public restroom, I encountered four guys standing around talking, as opposed to using the facilities for their intended purpose. As usual, in thirty seconds or less I managed to accomplish my task and exit, but I overhead the one who appeared most likely to be the military slime whispering instructions to the dirtbags with him. Guess what? They were going to make a bogus complaint regarding your humble writer, and as near as I can tell the military slimeball was using twenty dollar bills to persuade them to participate.
I've noted on several occasions that dirtbags are routinely compensated for their services, and on many more occasions there has been circumstantial evidence to support this conclusion. Twenty bucks seems to be the ammount that most dirtags will accept to follow someone into a restroom, perform boomerang-related tasks, make a bogus complaint, pose for photo-ops, or recite a script provided them by CLEOs for obvious reasons. I have also pointed out that the "credibility" issue is unnecessary to discuss further because there are several ways to deal with falsified reports or bogus complaints, my favorite being "You Bet Your Life" Polygraph Palooza.
But as a journalist it isn't important whethere someone is dumb enough to believe Lasher's narrative or the CLEO stooges required to support it. It is my task to be truthful and accurate. Let others run around plugging the holes in their story. Mine is static and doesn't require recruiting dirtbags, stooges, lifting DMV photos or stealing IDs. It doesn't require stealing or destroying property and documents that would constitute evidence of a crime or eliminating witnesses. It doesn't require a thousand bogus complaints to be paid for in a lame attempt to cover up a single falsified report made more than decade earlier.
Let's make a calculation here to make a point. If CLEOs pay dirtbags twenty bucks and accrue a thousand bogus complaints, what have they accomplished? For twenty grand they have made a heroic attempt to protect and defend Dan Lasher. But what they actually purchased was twenty grand worth of dirtbag credibility, which is to say more CLEO bullshit that can be shoveled onto Mt. CLEO as it continues to grow. Of course, this is easier and probably cheaper that donating a kidney, but at the same time, "dirtbag credibility" is one of the comical aspects of all this and it allows me to make another point.
When Whitcraft's parrot weighed in with his commentary, he implied that to support Whitcraft, the alleged credibility of a cop would suffice, (which caused a roar of laughter at this post. We'll forget about the lawyers for the time being because they are, after all, paid to say whatever). So Whitcraft and Igor are looking for support from cops like CLEO Award-winner "Fairlane" Ford who also happens to be the King of the WAGs and was actually complicit in the crimes described here. ("Anything you say, Mr. Whitcraft. Need some help with those suppositories Mr. Whitcraft? I can change my name to 'Chevy' if you'd like that better Mr. Whitcraft"). Is this some kind of CLEO humor?
Probably not, because as we descend into the CLEO gutter and the Igor/Whitcraft cesspool, the "credibility" issue actually gets murkier and murkier, not clearer. In other words, we have arrived at a point where Igor and Whitcraft are relying on crooked cops, accomplices actually, to support their alleged credibility, and the cops who falsify the reports, ("Book-em Dan-O" Lasher comes to mind) are relying on some drunks they picked up off the street to make bogus complaints to support their impeccable credibility. (You have to see the dirtbags scratching their heads getting their instructions when they're actually trying to figure out how much malt liquor they can buy with twenty bucks. Only military slime could organize, and pay for, this stuff.)
So one lie begets another, and CLEO bullshit begets even more CLEO bullshit to be plausible, resulting in a ridiculous sequence of contrivances, fabrications, falsifications. Meanwhile, the alleged "credibility" of those involved, continues to deteriorate, spiralling downward into the cesspool where the primary perpetrators maintian possession of stolen property. So why, do you ask, are all the perps in the headliner crimes described above top-level law enforcement personnel? I'll keep at it until it becomes clear. Hopefully.
© humble journalist
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