
PMAPS Attack: Name The Perp

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stuck On Stupid: CLEO Policy

Let us return to the Path of Enlightenment because stuck on stupid is not a destination; it is a state of mind where anything that law enforcement can put into a police report, or convince anyone outside of their purview, is in fact truthful of accurate, becomes reality. It is reliant on the alleged "credibility" of these people, ill-founded and misdirected based on my experience. That is the topic of discussion of these essays. Nothing more.

To make one of the primary points, I have noted that the entire fiasco began with a falsified police report sans court records, reference numbers or any other substance that would allow for judicial review. When I learned that Michael E. Bartley had been arrested with a fraudulent ID, I purchased the police report and brought it along to the identity hearing along with all of the other documentation I could gather which included the records of his previous criminal activity in San Diego. Even prior to that, the response by law enforcement was hostile and misguided, Margaret Remsburg accused me of making a threat which in the context of the phone call, made no sense whatsoever. But this was a demonstration of the pattern that I am describing here. The use of tactical slander as a defense mechanism, authority used as means of eliminating adversaries or critics as well as the evidence of misconduct. An elaborate, but methodical, means of obstructing justice and obviating the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution (as well as violation of many of the provisions of the U.S. Code).

The allegation here is that the California DMV fraudulently issued two forms of ID to a guy with a lengthy criminal record. In fact, reputable news organizations, based on the review of internal DMV records, prove that a million or so such IDs were issued by the California DMV during Dan Lungren's tenure as AG. But instead of acknowledging this simple point of fact, the response was to make a bogus allegation against your humble writer. In other words, forget about a million fraudulent IDs or how they ruined the lives of those who were victimized by DMV clerks; people that found out as I did that there was no recourse because state employees enjoyed immunity and were never subject to prosecution. The issue somehow became one guy allegedly making an unsubstantiated "threat" against a DMV employee. And so the pattern of conduct was established.

Since then, I have reviewed all of the available documentation and court records and concluded that there is little doubt that a rather elaborate scam was in progress, those involved clearly collaborative with similar motives, the object being to assign Michael E. Bartley's criminal record to me which is supported by the fact that the thumbprint that identified him as the perpetrator does not belong to me, the physical description is not even close to my own, the fact that an AKA cannot refer to a victim and perpetrator, and the assignment of Bartley's DA number to me at a time when I had no DA number for good reason.

Now we travel back to the present with Professor Peabody and find that law enforcement tactics have not changed. In May of 2007 just prior to making a formal report of the theft of personal belongings, I was essentially robbed of key evidence that was intended for court review by law enforcement officials using color of authority, (based on a specious complaint by two military slimeballs who showed up a few minutes after I ordered some lunch). The California DL that was current and valid between 2000-04 was targeted and stolen. Two days later, Sierra Madre Police and County of Los Angeles officials again used their authority to access, then steal personal belongings and documentation, and copied files which showed up later in a corrupted form, again on specious grounds.

Along the way I made every attempt to have these issues resolved in the proper venue, the courts, and offered those named or described here an opportunity to make their rebuttals. I have even offered to submit to polygraph test if any of those named or described would care to join me to dispute any point of fact described in these essay. Instead, law enforcement has validated one of my primary points on the Path of Enlightenment; that all of these common procedures that were designed to clarify or reconcile disputes over points of fact have been conspicuously avoided for transparent reasons. Instead, I find children unattended in restrooms, military slime and stalkers chasing me to make bogus complaints, cops falsifying reports with obvious motives for doing so, and all the other forms of false attribution described earlier as a response.

In other words, nothing has changed. The modus operandi by those with shared motives and affiliations has been a constant series of attacks on my person, property, reputation and even my background and criminal history as an expedient means of deflecting attention from that which is reported here. I have criticized law enforcement officials. But this discussion, with exceptions for the notable day-to-day examples of CLEO tactics, actually a series of attacks or harassment by CLEO stooges, proxies and military slime, is really about the First and Fourth Amendments. At more than a dozen junctures, law enforcement has essentially stolen all the property I accrued in my lifetime, either directly or by proxy, so the Fourth Amendment is a moot point.

But the First Amendment is not. What the law enforcement community has executed is a methodical means of obviating it. In other words, the First Amendment, validated and codified on countless occasions by the Supreme Court, says that freedom of speech is broad and inclusive. But you better not criticize Steve Cooley or report simple matters of fact that pertain to PMAPS misconduct or you will be targeted and accused. You can desecrate the flag, but you better not say anything about falsified police reports being ridiculously contrived for transparent reasons or mention the common affiliations and motives of those involved. You can march down the street in a Nazi uniform in a Jewish neighborhood, but you better not call attention to the fact that Paul "Pffft" and his bogus DA Number Scam were clearly malicious and intentional. You can criticize anyone or anything you want, except for prosecutors and cops, because they have the authority to kidnap, steal, fabricate, falsify, plant and use tactical slander as necessary to f*** you over, lock you up, steal your belongings, and since PMAPS get to decide how The Law is applied, what the definition of Equal Protection means in practical terms, there is no one besides the judiciary that can protect you , not even the Constitution or the Amendments that were specifically designed to prevent abuses by law enforcement officials for exactly the reasons I've described here.

So the Accusing Fingers have only increased since Margaret Remsburg tried to deflect attention from the felonious activities of DMV employees, never addressing the simple facts derived from my experience and the documentation that supports my analysis and commentary. As long as law enforcement has an unlimited supply of whores, CLEO stooges, liars for hire, blank police reports, and their investigative authority, they can fabricate any sort of storyline they want because they control the stooges and the environment. "Book-em Dan-O" Lasher's phony police report and the comical narrative is the primary example of how it is done (and how it has resulted in the formation of Mt. CLEO since).

There are certain limitations of course, as noted in "Crimes of Convenience" earlier. They can't say I stole a car because they can't plant it on me. They can't say I robbed a bank or a convenience store because the video would disprove it. But they can make any allegation they want as long as it can't be disproven, like what occurred in a restroom when a crooked cop picked up something he'd dropped on the floor moments before, and they can have a CLEO stooge rob a bank or a convenience store and falsely attribute it to me by way of a bogus "association" (which can be the only reason why more than 17,500 CLEO stooges have chased me around in costumes making cell calls). The Accusing Fingers, more than 23 million ex-military slime (read cowardly thieves, frauds and perjurers as well as anyone they can pay off to do their bidding), supported by CLEOs with an unlimited supply of blank police reports, become formidable adversaries.

But all of this bullshit is no different than the tactical response by Margaret Remsburg in 1997; a means of deflecting culpability and liability in a contrived and specious manner. And none of it changes a single fact that is accurately reported here, nor has there been any legitimate challenge by the Accusing Fingers since I walked out of the identity hearing a few days after Remsburg's bogus allegation. Nor has any byproduct of law enforcement officials since resembled a truthful or accurate representation of anything that pertains to me.

© humble journalist

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